Thursday, June 28, 2007


"Who's that peeking in my window, pow, nobody now," as stated by Goodie Mob on their 1995 debut album Soul Food, song "Cell Therapy", sums up the following: why is there always at least one African American gate keeper at every job who acts like the village scribe, overseer, police and Massa all rolled into one?

I've only had to endure this type of person once in my entire career during a time when I was considerably younger, a tab bit naive and eager to prove myself to no conceivable end. This person, for lack of a better name, shall be called Tomicena. She was the Executive Secretary to the Director, within the organization, where she served at his "pleasure". Now I don't want to sound jealous, envious or desiring of her career choice, but what bothered me was her uncanny ability to "accidentally" keep the entire workforce of color out of the proverbial loop of information. Nothing excluded. When opportunities for elevation occurred, WE were the last ones to know, if at all. Case in point, the company issued an opportunity for persons to enroll in a shadowing mentor program where you could actively witness the processes involved in the making corporate vision reach fruition. Therefore, if you were interested in the media relations department, and were selected, you could passively participate in HOW messages were delivered to various constituencies.

Fast forward, the information was disseminated 10 days prior to US receiving it--two days prior to the deadline. Had I not asked a white colleague, I’d never known. Example two, speaks to the power of the paper trail. One day, I was late to work about 30 minutes, a replacement secretary was seated at front desk an proceeded to ask me who I was and why I was late. Feeling slightly violated, I asked, “…now why do you need to know why I was late?” Her response, “I was told to ask the persons who were late who they were and why so I could enter it into this Excel program.” All I could think about after I gave her the information was, “…I wonder if the non-coloured employees had to do the same, were their transgressions documented and was this entire process a violation of my rights.” Needless to say, during that time, I witnessed the control she wielded, how she used it to help the advancement of some while weeding out others. In fact, she once told me, “…with an afro like that you’ll never be a powerbroker in this company.” While saying nothing to my male colleagues of Native American descent who wore ponytails down to their waist.

Just for the record, I find nothing wrong with African American gatekeepers, but don’t WE owe it to US to seek, find at least one person to groom? At least one person to inform about the hidden rules of the office? At least one person to introduce to the circle of power which typically consist of ALL white males? At least one person to protect, shield from the B. S., especially if we are privy to information they are not?


Blogger Tenacious said...

Hey Slump *waves*

I had to laugh out loud @ "village scribe, overseer, police and Massa all rolled into one" this point I don't have problems with A.A. who does problems lie with people OLDER than me trying to stifle my ability to advance in the company. Ensuring, one step at a time, that my young whipper snapper ass won't snatch their job from them when they go on vacation

Damn what it took me an hour to come back from lunch?

Thursday, June 28, 2007 at 9:54:00 PM CST  
Blogger Paula D. said...

What up slump! I see this kind of shit all the time. Corporate America is a beast & I always try to mentor young black talent that comes in the door. I do my best to put them on to the political in's & outs and what to be careful of.

It's a shame, but there are people (of all races) that want to see you fall down so that they can get ahead.

Friday, June 29, 2007 at 9:27:00 AM CST  
Blogger Nique said...

i cant relate be i see your...tension towards it, anyway, great to come back to your site.

Saturday, June 30, 2007 at 2:06:00 AM CST  

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