Thursday, August 23, 2007

Constant Change

His stare is blinding,
controlling like remotes,
yet filled with hope, gentle as words spoken by children,
free of contempt, filled with innocence,
but distracting, especially his,
“I love you regardless”, look,
it puts my worries back in Pandora’s box,
it takes my thoughts to a sacred place where only we reside,
a sanctum where I can hide from the world,
rest in his strong arms,
escape from the harm enemies would extent,
some women pretend,
fantasize about having a masculine safe haven,
a man who is unselfish, selfless, one who makes her flesh quiver,
one who’s touch is tender,
cool in the Summer, warm in the Winter,
a sensitive touch which is never lacking,
it definitely distracting, especially his,
“I need you to relax,” massages,
his hands whispering secret messages to my lower back,
something like,
“tension remove yourself,” or
“pain, we are here to alleviate,”
at any rate, its special,
the connection is emotional, spiritual, sexual,
next level, unlike any man before,
I've sworn to be his first, last love…
…luckily, his words, actions say the same…


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