Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Meeting in the Ladies Room

What are the top five items/qualities your dream man must possess in order for you to even consider making him your mate?
In addition, what are the three things he should never do unless he wants your passionate romance to end?
Last question, would you stay with the man of your dreams is the sex was totally horrible?

I asked these questions because I'm trying to peer into the mind of women, its for my next book; the writing has begun...


Blogger Gemini Girl aka GG said...

Top 5: 1) Has to be a communicator. Has to have the ability to express ALL of his feelings and emotions about everything verbally and with written words.
2) has to challenge me mentally...teach me
3) has to desire me deeply, make me feel as if no one else matters
4) treat me with respect, be loving and kind
5) have a loving heart..and generous with love, time, emotions,

NEVER: 1)flirt with any of my girlfriends or family members
2) disrespect me
3) leave me unprotected..I want his shield around me at all times

YES, I've stayed with my ex husband for 14 years and the sex was more of a duty and we never talked about it and still we had it often....*sigh*

Wednesday, August 8, 2007 at 6:19:00 AM CST  
Blogger Isha said...

Must haves...WOW FIVE...o.k.
1. Compassion - Need someone who is not going to just say "suck it up" when I'm having a rough time at something.
2. Strength - God did not create me to be the leader (not a ruler)in a relationship. Not the door mat, but he needs to be able to lead AND understand that I can be quite hard headed and a brat at times...work with me please it takes me a minute or two sometimes :-).
3. Intelligent Conversation - The physical part of a relationship is NOT the only part, you have to be alble to do something when you are not doing IT. I love conversation that challenges me and makes me smile...It may be one of the most attractive things about a man for me...next to his smile.
4. The ability to give affection - I am very "touchative" and I enjoy being affectionately touched by my mate. NOT in the clingy way, don't do stuck up under me, but little things here and there, just flirting I guess.
5. Honesty - Tell me the TRUTH, we can work from there. It may be hard to deal with or accept, but finding out about it after a lie is insulting AND painful. I can deal with just about anything, but let me make the choice how.

A bonus is STYLE. A STYLE of his own is so sexy! Not running with the crowd. Be it dress, music, mentality, personal convictions. Something unique about him that only those closest to him can understand and appreciate. Makes the connection WONDERFUL. The conversation gets me, the style keeps me.

Romance Enders
1. Not keep his word to me
2. Lie to me
3. Take me for granted

I HOPE The man of my dreams would not have horrible sex. BUT if he did, I'd have to try to communicate what I wanted in a way that was not hurtful to him. Again, sex ain't EVERYTHING in a relationship, the communication about it and everything leading up to it may just be the best parts.

SORRY if this was an entire blog entry. You pose such good questions.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007 at 7:58:00 AM CST  
Blogger Unknown said...

What are the top five items/qualities your dream man must possess in order for you to even consider making him your mate?
1. Respect
2. Communication
3. Unconditional Love
4. Fear God
5. Family oriented.

In addition, what are the three things he should never do unless he wants your passionate romance to end?

1. Let me find out.
2. Let me find out.
3. Let me find out.

Last question, would you stay with the man of your dreams if the sex was totally horrible?

Good question, I stopped talking to a man once because he couldn't wake his man up. So the actual performing part didn't occur..so that doesn't count....I would stay, because sex is the one thing that you continually learn about. There are things I don't know yet. So I don't judge when it somes to sex, I help to explore.

Monday, August 13, 2007 at 1:37:00 PM CST  

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