Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Dialogue III (via e-mail)

(...moments later)

HIM: DON'T STOP BY MY DESK AGAIN. SMILING, ASKING ME IF I AM OK. MAKING LIGHT OF HOW I FEEL, MY PAIN. What kind of fucking person are you? Yes, this is how I let you go. Better now than later, after you let me go...

HER: This is the last time you will ever and I DO MEAN EVER!! Talk to me like this again.

I am sorry you hurt, but I won’t let me be a “catch all” for your emotions. There is NOTHING I have done and I mean NOTHING to deserve you talking to me that way. I came by because I cared, but believe me I won’t talk to you again and not because you want me to, but because my mind won’t allow me to let any man under ANY circumstances continually treat me as you said a “doormat”. How did you know that I was going to let you go first, you don’t and you don’t know how I feel or what I should feel or when I should feel it. You’ve called me selfish every time I turn around. The only selfish thing I’ve done was put you first. Maybe you forgot about a couple of weeks ago when I was suppose to be at an event in Bricktown but left everything to help you out, or maybe you forgot about when I was out of town but rushed back to see you perform.

Its way too easy to call me selfish..


Blogger Lyrically speaking said...

My goodness, this is one juicy dialogue, I read it over and felt the emotions and frustration

Thursday, August 16, 2007 at 6:24:00 AM CST  

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