Sunday, April 09, 2006

Sunday Sermon

Cash On Delivery

God’s like-ness transferred to man through divine expansion,
essence of Heaven, torn between emotion, logic,
issues of the heart, intellect,
caught between being a brother’s keeper and self preservation,
leaving love waiting to inhale, taking a back seat to love for one self.

Little Devil, Angel both nestled on the clavicle tips of millions
who are addicted to television pixels, computer screens
digital displays and glass ceilings which will never shatter.

Who is dedicated to God’s infallible word,
the Christian or the Atheist; neither.
If you claim to live a life for Christ, but don’t
or do but hate those who don’t, who is the wiser?

Who’s wings will carry them further, higher toward
ethereal heights, toward ethereal plights?
blinded by the lime light at the bottom of the Corona Gold
bottle, which when added to all the silver, platinum that one’s
coffers can hold, still ain’t enough to purchase entrance
to the kingdom.

Segregated Sundays,
actions fostering homogenous congregations, asinine,
where there only three wise men created?

Are we not all related by common ties called human race?

In human haste we’ve strayed, found excuses to miss
Church on the Sabbath, but on bended knee when times
are tragic; can we have it both ways?

Would you like a luke-warm cup of humanity, I hear it
is good this time of the year? Why is humankind stagnant,
only willing to make changes during two seasons,
one extremely cold, the other, extremely hot!

Actually, due to selfish motives, people only do things for
two reasons, for fear of loss or in order to gain.

Cain slew Able, no different than…
…Catholics, Protestants
…Muslims, Jews
…Crips, Pirus
…Intellectuals, fools
all living together masquerading as true to a higher power.

Who is among the truthful, who are the liars?

Where is the town crier when needed?

Will there have to be another destruction of
existence for humankind to take God’s word
and heed it or will we continue to blow it off
like smoke through nostrils, mouths like them
who stay weeded, addicted to secular rituals?

Tendencies of man will ultimately lead him toward the
fictional belief he can exist without a higher presence,
hope judgement day is pleasant…


Blogger Angel said...

"Tendencies of man will ultimately lead him toward the
fictional belief he can exist without a higher presence,
hope judgement day is pleasant..."

interesting piece. we've had numerous conversations on this subject so i don't have much to post here. but i will say, be careful of this last sentence--wouldn't want you to be one of the people you seem to be referring to in this same piece... ;)

Sunday, April 9, 2006 at 9:14:00 PM CST  

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