Monday, July 23, 2007

Time to Man Up II (Answers)


Isha said...
If you could undo one decision you've made in your life, what would it be? My decision to drop out of law school, Mercer University, after my fiance’ decided to call the wedding off by moving to South Carolina while I was at work. I was devistated. I couldn’t sleep, eat, think; contemplated suicide for about a month then returned to Oklahoma. Had I completed the dream of becoming an attorney my life would be quite different at this very moment.

Royce's Daughter said...
What is the biggest lie you've ever told (in the last year LOL)? I told someone I’ve had three trois’s in one day, the most was two and I’ll never do it again, takes too much damn energy!!!

Tenacious said...
Tell me about a time when karma came back to bite u in the behind. I have yet to have that experience. I live my life with one main mantra: don’t live to do good, live in effort to not do evil. This mantra has never led me to exploit anyone, always be helpful if I could and be supportative. However, it limits me in that I NEVER go out seeking to create positive change, I just make sure my actions don’t destroy the lives of those person around me.

Gemini Girl aka GG said...
How have you enhanced someone's life in the past year - personally and professionally??
Indirectly, certainly, though I am not sure who. Directly, yes, I met a stranger who told me how much reading my book has changed her life from the standpoint of aiding in the releasing of the author in within her. She is currently working on her first book and said she might not have done so without my example of how unbridled imagination can work.

Miz JJ said...
Whatever happened with that lady and the child? Was that ever resolved?
Niseanda Robinson. The story has finally come to an end for now. The last time I heard her voice she told me she had forgiven me for my collegiate trangressions, though she has not clarified as to whether I am actually the father of our so-called daughter D’Metri. I guess time will tell, if not, I have two other beautiful daughters to raise so I definitely won’t lose sleep over contemplating the if’s.

Mis Understood said...
What's the one thing you wouldn't want a female to know about you? I activately make attempts to protect my fragile inside which consist of 1000 insecruities, overwhelming doubt and extreme anxiety. I am filled with contradictions; both giving yet selfish, both simple yet complex and both loving and hateful. Deep inside I regret never approaching a woman, dating her once and asking her to be my girl. No six months of hiding, pretending to be something other than our true selves; just two individuals exploring the possibilities of love found without worrying about the approaching like and often akward transition that is from the latter to the former.

DurtyMo said...
How do you know when you're happy? I’m happy and I know it when I clap my hands…

Thank you for your participation, I appreciate you interest in the inner me...


Blogger Miz JJ said...

Interesting about law school. I just skipped going. I did not know you had other children.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007 at 1:08:00 PM CST  
Blogger fidel.negro said...

So, I am inspired by your user-generated vulnerability. We once had conversations about what it would look like for you to put yourself out there...viola. But you know i'm still mad you took me out of your 'photosynthesis'. negroes need to eat and grow too....nigressence is still alive and well bruh.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007 at 4:44:00 PM CST  
Blogger Gemini Girl aka GG said...

great answers, love the honesty...and with the love thang you are always given 2nd chances...don't let the next time pass you by.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007 at 3:23:00 PM CST  
Blogger Unknown said...

Appreciate your honesty, always so well put. Love an educated man!!!!

Thursday, July 26, 2007 at 8:07:00 AM CST  

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