Thursday, August 23, 2007

Constant Change II

The hospital is now my temporary home,
being strangled, slapped in the face,
thrown down a flight of stairs does not a resolution make,
hate is the first emotion, though its being overridden by love,
but not foolishness,
vanishing selflessness replaced by unbridled rage
has created a love gone sour cascade,
which is disappointing,
since we forbade each other from physical abuse,
promised to use our hands for intimacy,
touching during moments of passion, not disaster,
his laughter rings loudly in my ears,
like fire crackers, too close,
allowed him to get too close, too deep,
showed him the intricacies too soon,
assumed this ring on my finger was synonymous with protection,
not permission to violate,
not permission to infiltrate my self-esteem to do harm,
is this act the calm before the storm or just his reaction to a bad day?

Either way, since I’m his wife, I’ll stay,
drop the charges and pray,
hopefully, the day will end in me hearing him say,
“Baby, I forgive you for having me arrested,
let me kiss your wounds…”


Blogger Shelle said...

too close to home...but yeah real good piece

Sunday, August 26, 2007 at 1:37:00 PM CST  
Blogger Miz JJ said...

Interesting piece. I think the part where you had her husband laugh really is telling about their relationship. He hates women and probably his wife and what she hopes for at the end of the poem will never happen. Sad.

Sunday, August 26, 2007 at 4:25:00 PM CST  

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