Monday, July 30, 2007

Q & A, Part I

Recently, I've been thinking about love and why I don't believe in it. In doing so, I came up with a few questions, just wanted to get blogville's take so feel free to chime in...

1) What are three ways to fall out of love? a] Find a reason to hate the person b] Stop communicating with the person c] Stop thinking of them while you're making love to someone else.

2) Can "Chemistry" only occur with a person with whom you are not in love or intimate? Yes, because the person, initially, listens to your problems without judging you or holding what you say against you. When you first meet a person its like they don't exist because they are without flaw, if they are flawed its not because of you. Having history with someone exposes you to all the memories of pain caused, with someone totally new its always sunshine, little clouds or rain. Damn, I miss the newness...

3) Why do men want to marry conservatism, but want to date liberalism? I don't know the answer to this question, please help!!! Slut is sexy on Christina Ag, but not on wifey, however, Condi Rice is sexy on wife, but not in the bedroom...

Just my $00.02

Let the debate begin!


Blogger Isha said...

1. Falling out of love does not have to be a NEGATIVE experience. It just means that you realize that being IN love is not healthy for one or both of you. You can still love the person in a different way. We often times equate falling out of love with the anger/hurtful side of it, most of the time that is what sparks it, but the truth is we sill love the individual, we are just hurt by them. Falling out of love may just be a result of growing up, growing apart, and/or realizing that you have different goals, needs and desires BUT you have to be brave and honest enough to say it. Falling out of love without falling OUT takes maturity, honesty and humility.

2. Nope...depends on what type of "Chemistry" you are looking at/for. You can have chemistry with a friend of the opposite sex that you appreciate and love because of the way you bond and relate/communicate with each other and it has NOTHING to do with a romantic relationship. All too often people try to make a romantic relationship work because of friendship chemistry. One does not automatically create the other. On the other side, you may have Chemistry with a person that is purely physical that has nothing to do with their intellect or intelligence. Again, one does not equate the other. The latter is often short lived, empty and the reason for regret and when you try to make the former the later the results are often disastrous as well. REMEMBER: Any mixture of two unique substances (beings) is Chemistry! The key is finding out if the unique properties of each cause a final reaction that is positive or negative. Sometimes the initial mixing creates some negative reactions (gas, smoke, bubbles), but once it all settles, the ultimate outcome is positive. Conversely, there are times with the initial mixing creates something pleasant, but ends up being corrosive and destructive if kept together over time. In Chemistry there is a delicate balance between timing, patience, control, attention, information, and wisdom.

3. From a female perspective, Men want to be respected for who they have on their arm, and entertained by who they have in their bed! THERE CAN BE A SAFE BALANCE OF THE TWO!! The challenge is finding a woman who knows how to "play/act" in both environments and a man who appreciates her for that skill.

Maybe more than you asked for, may be too much thought put into 1 and 2, but hey, you opened the door…

Monday, July 30, 2007 at 6:02:00 PM CST  
Blogger Unknown said...

This must be realtionship day in blogland...but ditto on what isha said...we woman must really think alike. She beat me to the punch.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007 at 7:11:00 AM CST  
Blogger DurtyMo said...

Yea Isha laid it down and I have nothing to add to that!!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007 at 7:42:00 AM CST  

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