Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The I's Have It IX

I realize now the phrase, "I Love You" has no meaning unless it is being said by parents to their children or children to parents...

I can honestly say I'm glad we are no longer speaking, interacting or at odds, at first it bothered, now the feeling is gladness...

I will, from now on, keep my dreams to myself until they have reached fruition; there is a sabatore in every circle...

I finally saw my son play football, it made me as proud as ever; he's already better than I ever was or will be...

I HATE a snitch, good luck Mike Vick...

I decided to change my diet, lost four pounds in four days; no crack involved...

I hope you finally get the job opportunity you want, Houston is a BIG city, surely there is something waiting; if not, grad school is always a viable option...

I am really appreciating all the non-sex we're having as of late, the absence makes for great conversation...

I almost went off the emotional deep end last night, then realized you can only hurt me if it is allowed...

I wish I could be a woman for 30 days...

I now know the difference between half ass fellatio and bomb ass head; its the difference between a grape stain and a priceless bottle of vintage wine...

I have absolutely NO respect for you now, you're actions burned this bridge...

I still pray for you death each, every night; what is God waiting on?

I feel the need to apply for grad school one FINAL time; seven schools this time, a change is needed...

I now believe in shoot first, ask questions later...

I think my metamorphosis has a 10 year half life...

I would NEVER stand between you and a college degree, however, the pursuit doesn't absolve you of your responsibilities...

I offer the advice of the century: accomplish 85% of your personal goals prior to getting married, if not, you'll spend the rest of your life in turmoil...

I think this is the best pick up line ever said to me by a woman, "I know you're attacted to me because I'm attracted to you."

I reitorate, minus the bullshit life's great...


Blogger Gemini Girl aka GG said...

a woman for 30days. what would you do? we could be girlfriends and hang out right??

Tuesday, August 28, 2007 at 8:19:00 AM CST  
Blogger DurtyMo said...


Tuesday, August 28, 2007 at 10:21:00 AM CST  
Blogger Shelle said...

interesting list sir, very honest...sometimes painful.
now if your wish to be a woman really happened, you would never want to become a man again lol.
continued blessings on your journey sir

Thursday, August 30, 2007 at 1:04:00 PM CST  

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