The Beauty of it all...
Last October, I began an in-depth prayer process which consisted of asking God for an opportunity to pursue a doctorate. The process led to applying at the following universities: University of Utah, Oklahoma State University, Mercer University and the University of Oklahoma. The good news is the final choice comes down to the former and the latter, the bad news is it must be made by Friday.
I grew up in a house where if you pray to God and your prayers go unanswered what you wanted was either out of the Will of God or it was not your time to receive the blessing--the third choice was your prayer was not specific enough to warrant a response. The flipside is, I was never told what to do if you pray for something and God opens several doors to the point where you have to choose between which blessings you want.
I grew up in a house where if you pray to God and your prayers go unanswered what you wanted was either out of the Will of God or it was not your time to receive the blessing--the third choice was your prayer was not specific enough to warrant a response. The flipside is, I was never told what to do if you pray for something and God opens several doors to the point where you have to choose between which blessings you want.
Luckily, I've had the opportunity to visit both universities, the former in January and the latter on last week when I was interviewed by the faculty (intimidating X 1000).
Interestingly, I prayed for the opportunity, met a random stranger at the Los Angeles NCAN conference, applied to the University of Utah and several opportunities presented themselves.
Interestingly, I prayed for the opportunity, met a random stranger at the Los Angeles NCAN conference, applied to the University of Utah and several opportunities presented themselves.
Initially, I didn't want to apply to the University of Oklahoma, in fact, I applied the day before the deadline. I was afraid, yes me, to take the interview, which didn't go in my favor, but before I can get out of the parking lot, upon its conclusion, I get a congratulatory call from professor telling me I'm accepted!
Unbelievable... date, I am beside myself with which direction to select, however, one thing is for certain, I'm on my way towards Bryan K Hotchkins, Ph.D., of this I am very much proud considering just three years I didn't know where I wanted to be in the world of education.
Unbelievable... date, I am beside myself with which direction to select, however, one thing is for certain, I'm on my way towards Bryan K Hotchkins, Ph.D., of this I am very much proud considering just three years I didn't know where I wanted to be in the world of education.
In closing, either choice will change the dynamics of my family tree, forever...
Congratulations Slump Facade! Which did you choose? I have a similar situation at hand and I am confident that God will lead me in the direction he would like for me take. If you chose the University of Utah are do you have to live there? Will you continue to write poetry?