Devoted Husband

Until Death Do Us
Love is an interesting animal,
entangles, captures, entraps the
(un)expecting soul, half unfulfilled,
half whole, all owed a pure experience…
…I found it when I said I do,
prior to it, I was lost…
I married my wife because she was
not one of the crabs at the bottom
of the barrel, love unfurled aside,
she is priceless, married her because
she didn’t get $10 “French”
mani-, pedi-cures, acting like she paid
$75 each, her intentions are pure like uncut
cocaine, married her because she doesn’t
spend the majority of her day 1st/15th day
looking for $200 worth of food stamps
for $100, controls her life, runs it without
trying to run mine, married her because
she is fine like powdered crack,
sublime, stable, ready, able, married her because
she didn’t know how to pirate cable,
had no children, had a legitimate living
supported all my dreams, while pursuing
dreams of her own, encouraged my growth,
held my hand during both bachelor, master
and soon to be Ph. D., she lets me be me…
…most importantly, married her because
she was white as snow, subconsciously I hate
the attitudes of black women, plus,
its hard to elevate them due to the
chip on their collective shoulder…
Self-hate is bliss!
too bad you hate your own race. There are alot of outstanding black women i have dated and i am white....funny, but they say the same as you do about black men....hmmmmm
HELL TO DA DOUBLE NAW!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is great B! i love how you actually captured the voice that so many of "us" believe that the "others" have, not to mention, the picture is straight KILLING it in relation to visualizing this piece. YES!
So....this seems like a thing to piss some folks off.
I get that this is racism towards ones own folk. All racism starts at home and in your ending statement, "Self-hate is bliss!"
If I am ok with myself, others will not have the opportunities to victimize me.
My only experiences with oppression are as a woman in a mostly patriarchal society (much better nowadays) or as a poor child put into a parochial school where the majority of my classmates had plenty of money and a dad. To try to fit into both arenas, I have taken sides against my own kind. I have grown out of this and choose to live my truth and Fuck 'em if they don't like it.
I will stand up for what I believe in now.
Great satiric piece.
This is a strong piece. On the flipside of this is the white women's story. Some do it out of guilt, some do it out of rebellion, some do it out of love, some do it with responsibility and self education, some do it for a conglomeration of reasons. The issue is we always over analyze why someone is with someone of a different race. We cannot under ANY circumstances limit the impact race has on these relationships. So many of the above and mentioned things you do have as much to do with class as race. This is such a hard thing.
As a middle class white woman, I was alienated by the white community when I started dating black men in Jr. High. I didnt do it to rebel, I just had lived in an area that did not have any racial diversity so I didnt understand the differences or the impact that came with race. What I did have was a stubborness that if I liked someone, no one could tell me not to. I think some of that came from the fact my sis had a birth defect and I always felt like people would decide not to like people for reasons that had nothing to do with who they were. After that, I was pretty submerged in the black culture. This caused some issues growing up because I knew I wasnt Black and yet, I didnt identify much with my own culture. And so I went through so many phases of my own development. My greatest concern is when white women have biracial children, or make serious commitments with black men (or any other cultural/ethnic combonation) and then dont actively learn and understand as much as possible about the culture. it is everyone's responsibility to learn about others, but once you share a life with someone OR give life to someone who is impacted by historical, institutional, socioeconomical racism, it is your responsibility to know as much as you can. You will never be able to EXPERIENCE everything they do, but you need to understand as much as possible about conditions and why they exist. Colorblind is an excuse to not deal with reality. There is both beauty and pain in difference. I have always not really fit in totally in either culture, knowing I COULD fake fitting into my own culture if I never really spoke or expressed what I thought. That is not really living. And it is an acknowledgment of the privledge that comes with being white. And often that delination is difficult for me. It has continually forced me to learn, love and accept who I am and trust that there are reasons for why I am the way I am. I have learned (and still am, to not make excuses for what I think, what I feel, how I talk, etc. ) And that people have a responsibility to each other, to learn and respect what they can about each other.
Ok, so I have gone off on a tangent. :) Nice piece brotha.
Damn I love you.... When can we meet? I ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOUR WRITING, YOUR MIND, YOUR SATRICAL SENSE OF SELF EXPRESSION AND FREEDOM... I can't wait for our first argument ( I call them debates, but most around me don't like conflict, even when it's intelligent, so I've adopted their language = strong, vastly different opinions, quick wit, rapid fire discussion, interupted thoughts, adrenaline flowing, loud speaking = argument). Can't wait... I got 5.00 on your ticket.
this is probably the 3rd or 4th time I've read this. Each time I am rendered speechless. Good job with the ending ... you were able to shut me up before I could even speak.