Thursday, November 02, 2006

Acting an Elephant, not a Donkey

It was recently brought to my attention I was a “Sell Out”
due to my political party affiliation, so, in an effort to rebut
here are the top 10 reasons why I am a liberal Republican.

#10) …because Condi Rice would get it…

#9) …because I was/am pro-Iraq war, however, America could
have easily sent a killing squad for Saddam with out invading
Iraq. In addition, I am pro-Iran, pro-Korean war if they refuse
to bring their nuclear programs to a screeching halt; who better
to police the free world than America?…

#8) …because America’s borders need to be closed, American
corporations who hire illegal aliens need to be fined heavily,
“No Child Left Behind” was a great idea (though it was under funded)
and the tax break is right…

#7) …because I’m totally in favor of stem cell research. Something
to ponder, every day a woman has an abortion, the embryo is discarded
and an opportunity to use the fetus is lost. Why not use clinics as a way
to save lives? Ironic as Hell!!!!! If a few aborted embryos need to be
harvested in order for MS, Parkinson’s or Leukemia to be cured so be it…

#6) …because I’ve transitioned my frame of mind from that of a
“Buyer” to that of a “Seller”…

#5) …because I look better in a red bowtie than I do in blue…

#4) …because Howard Dean is an idiot…

#3) …because even though “W” is an idiot, he at least has the decency
to not act like he isn’t…

#2) …because America is not ready for a female president, unless she’s
any woman other Hilary Clinton…

and the #1 reason why I am a liberal Republican instead of a Democrat is…

because Democrats have yet to do anything substantial to
advance the state of Black America!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey sweetie pie!!

All valid reasons. But when you really look at it, Democrats and Republicans are more similar than they are different when it comes to hard core political theology. They both have very similar goals, just different methods of achieving those goals. I hate politics to be honest with you. I have no idea why I decided to major in Political Science.

Thursday, November 2, 2006 at 1:39:00 PM CST  
Blogger Little Brown Girl said...

I'm with Urban...I also majored in Poli Sci and have a masters in Public Admin...I work in one of the most political environments in DC and at the end of the day I can tell you that Democrat or Republican doesn't mean shyt. They have different political philosophies but both garner little by way of great outcomes. I'm don't perscribe to all that categorical BS where you are one or the other. Do something that demonstrates your are truly trying to improve the conditions of the country and not just a select few (not the rich, not the blacks, whites, not the business owners, not just the children...) I am for those who want to make the shyt better for all of us cause as long as there are one or two who are left out of the mix we still got us a fuked up situation.

And if you tell my boss I said any of that I'll deny it...WHAT? That's not my friggin picture up in the right hand corner LMAO!!!

Thursday, November 2, 2006 at 2:44:00 PM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear you, Brother. Loud and clear. Whatever you are, it is highly respected. Good discussions are exciting, aren't they? I rather enjoyed it myself. Talk to you later.

Thursday, November 2, 2006 at 2:46:00 PM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Email me, too; you must have had a good time on your Oct.7th vacation, you aint said. I take it that info I set you up with was useful?

Thursday, November 2, 2006 at 2:52:00 PM CST  
Blogger Angel said...

first and foremost, that title had me crackin' the hell up! one of my LS's useta always say somebody was "actin' uh donk-kee!!!!"

Thursday, November 2, 2006 at 3:52:00 PM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loving the page man!! 4real--i will be back

Thursday, November 2, 2006 at 4:21:00 PM CST  
Blogger Tenacious said...

LOL @ Royce

All valid reasons I won't throw sticks at you although #10 had me rolling....

@ Slump

You chump! You'll go back and read ALL 150 please :-)

And um Ima have to post pics of me as a shawty when I mean thick I mean thick honey...

I was either a white girl, a stripper or a bum...I probably died a horrible death regardless :-)

And my feet are gorgeous :-)

Thursday, November 2, 2006 at 9:30:00 PM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn Slump! Why did you have to go there? I was hoping to avoid politics on the blogs because... I’m passionate about both politics and history! And to make it worse, you start off expressing your conservative views. ARGH! Now I have to put in my two cents. LOL

Rather than tease, let me get right to it. I’m conservative to the bone. The reaction I get is always the same “But Xavier, YOU? Conservative?” Which of course is a polite way of saying “but you’re such a freaky dude, you can’t possibly be a conservative because everyone knows conservatives are prudes.” How ridiculous. True conservatism has nothing to do with sex and everything to do with personal freedom. I want government out of my pocket (lower taxes,) out of my life (fewer laws,) and out of my face (smaller government.) I am a true conservative.

Anyone who thinks Republicans and Democrats stand for the same thing fails to understand the two ideologies. They are in fact diametrically opposed. Republicans (the real ones) believe that the government should focus on foreign policy and national defense. Domestic policy should be left (as much as possible) to the states. Social programs should be left to private organizations that have both the experience and the will to do the job efficiently. Beyond that, the free market should be allowed to flourish and grow, free of government intervention. Democrats on the other hand believe that government should play a crucial role is every aspect of a citizens like “from the cradle to the grave.” They believe in the redistribution of wealth (From the rich to the poor) via taxation, and that government has a responsibility to make laws that regulate our lives, for our own good.

But that is all theory of course. The candidates don’t always stay true to their stated ideology. President Bush is the best example. I support our president in the general course he is taking but he is NOT a true conservative. Under this administration, government has grown to its largest, and spending on social programs has increase far beyond that of the Clinton administration. Let me explain that in simple terms. Bush has spent MORE on social programs than Clinton. The dollar amounts are a matter of public record and beyond dispute. Forget the fact that his largesse he still gets labeled as an Evil Republican, my concern is that this is money that should have been used to secure our borders and lower the deficit (in that order,) not wasted of feel-good social programs.

But I’m not tied to party when deciding on a candidate. I vote for the man. For example I don’t want McCain (R) anywhere near the White House, yet if Lieberman (D) were running, I’d vote for him in a heart beat.

If that was more than two cents, keep the change. I have plenty more.

Friday, November 3, 2006 at 11:59:00 AM CST  

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