Thursday, October 12, 2006



Damn, Tenacious... You are so much like my partnas it kills me.
Its official, I've been put on MAJOR blast by lil mama, but I
brought it on myself. Her question is who would you dig out on
your blog roll and why?
After much thought, approximately 69
seconds my answer is...

Darling Nikki

...not only because she is one of the best writers I know (so
the pillow talk will be out of this world), but because no one
keeps is REAL like she keeps it REAL!!! Initially, it was a tie
between Trizzy, Jus.b.fli and Nikki, but I figured even I couldn't
satisfy three black women at the same time so I narrowed it down
to only ONE based on reading the following quote on Nikki's blog
concerning sports, "dude, fantasy football is like sucking dick
to me...i'm thorough and enthusiastic about it."

Now you can't beat that there or can you? I would have asked
Trizzy or Jus if they were sooooooo into pleasing a man, but
I didn't want to get called a MF or told STFU so I stuck with
the WINNER, GRAND CHAMP for now or until one of you sexy lil
ladies in blogville dares to tell me something more motivating.

Ten, ten, ten, do I have a truth for you...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude if I were asked the same question, my answer would be similar, except I'd add Negropino to the mix. But even then, the winner would still be Nikki and the reason would be the same as yours. LOL

Thursday, October 12, 2006 at 8:18:00 PM CST  
Blogger Tenacious said...

LOL...I hope remindin' you of your partners is a good thing and not a bad thing...

I was just asking...LOL shit if I was a dude I'd want to hit Nikki too!!

Thursday, October 12, 2006 at 10:50:00 PM CST  
Blogger joey said...

LOVED this! I too can apprecaite teh female that can spit some raw truth when it's time....sometimes there's just no better way to express yourself...niiiiice

Tuesday, October 17, 2006 at 4:15:00 PM CST  
Blogger joey said...

damn the typos

Tuesday, October 17, 2006 at 4:15:00 PM CST  

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