Monday, May 21, 2007

Christian Poetry

The past weekend was an interesting, I performed at three places; Verbal Essence, the Poetry Potluck and @ the "Y". The former was a general grown folks poetry spot, the second was a meeting of the OKC slam team + a few other poets and the latter was a Christian "night club" joint which offered gospel music and poetry.

Unfortunately, I only have three pieces about GOD, the best one I have yet to commit to memory so I did "Arrested Emotional Development" which is about tainted love. Each of the poets who followed should have been in the pulpit when offering their pieces. Each piece was well received. This got me to thinking, just because your poem is about GOD doesn't make it HOT. I mean, a few poets messed up and besides that, some of their pieces were barely COOL, let alone HOT.

Not to sound like a hater, because I love poetry when it is actually HOT, then again, who am I to judge. What's HOT to me maybe ice cold to someone else. I spoke to a poet who proceeded to tell me about uplifting the kingdom and how anything not about GOD is of the DEVIL. I didn't feel like debating so I listened thinking that would include, BOYS II MEN, LUTHER, JILL SCOTT, and my poetry for that matter. It was the first time I actually saw the difference between so-called Christian v. Secular prose. Prior to Friday night, I just looked at poetry as poetry, no divisions, no fragmentation, no us v. them, just words used to glorify the expression of written thought.

Guess I was wrong...

What is the general consensus, is poetry all poetry? Is poetry which isn't about GOD about the DEVIL? Should I quit spitting a Christian poetry events unless I'm going to do GOD pieces?

...other than that there, I killed it. Your boy is getting better, growth is a good thing!!!


Blogger Shai said...

I have to disagree with the person's comment. I write about life. Things happen in life good and bad. SMH.

Poems tell stories, convey information, entertain, inspire. Whose to say that poetry boils down to God vs Devil poetry.

Monday, May 21, 2007 at 9:48:00 AM CST  
Blogger JustMeWriting said...

hey you...what's happening? Ok, I do believe that as a Christian...Christ believer the missions is to edify the Body of Christ at all times and in all we do, as to not bring discord between body and soul. Now...our lives being a living testiment to Christ and our walk with Him...we're caught in a place where we have to please Him and appeal to the world (to get their attention)There is a line...I wouldn't say to the extreme of what was said to you, but I'd say you're words should be choosen wisely (no bad language).

It is not what goes into the mouth of a man that makes him unclean and defiled, but what comes out of the mouth; this makes a man unclean and defiles him. (Matthew 15:11). Our words have the power to speak life into lives and in the 'valley of the dry bones' (I'm doing a bible trivia, so I've got to watch my bible

We can say what we have to say in a way that it brings Glory to God, but we can also express ourselves in a reversed manner...remember we wrestle not against flesh and blood but powers and principalities...spirits of wickedness and if the content of our writting is of a sexual nature...these are the energies we're releasing into the air.

Just as we can listen to certain music or read certain books and began to feel a 'certain' way...those things released an energy into the air, so we really have to think about how people are going to walk away feeling or thinking after I've shared what I've shared...HUM! Makes you wonder...God SPOKE the world into we've got to watch what we SAY... because they're not just words...they're POWERS.

Monday, May 21, 2007 at 11:04:00 AM CST  
Blogger Shai said...

So Knewday sexually expressive poems are sinful? Unless we state that this is for husband and wife, the marriage bed?

Monday, May 21, 2007 at 12:50:00 PM CST  
Blogger JustMeWriting said...

Well Shai, I'm ONLY speaking in terms on Christain living...if you're NOT claiming to be a child of the King then you can write about whatever you want, but in terms on Christain poetry that would be the case.

Monday, May 21, 2007 at 1:06:00 PM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shai...Who was talking to you? I can't stand people like you. And, yes sex is BAD if it's not between a husband and wife. Anyway, everybody have a good day. I just wanted to add my two cents. But forreal I don't like people like you and your smile stupid and I don't like your braids.

Monday, May 21, 2007 at 1:10:00 PM CST  
Blogger SLUMP FACADE said...

Clarification, if you're going to respond as ANONYMOUS refrain from responding. Thanks!!!

Secondly, we are all children of the King because we are all sinners. Just, I can dig your point, if I'm yelling I'm a gospel poet I should only spit about the gospel, however, sinning is apart of the gospel. None of us fell out of Heaven without sin. The world is the battle ground, if I chose to speak on tainted love how can it be ungodly when God created love for us to share.

Plus, everyone has had a BAD relationship so what's wrong with spitting about the topic?

Third, I do agree, words should be chosen carefully, but if my immediate words aren't about glorifying Christ each time I open my mouth how are those words wrong? I talk about football, movies, sci-fi, fashions, ghettos, crack, strippers, being a good father, sex, ect.

Finally, the worst thing a
so-called Christian can do is discourage an individual from doing anything based on what that Christian thinks is wrong or bad. My poems are third person, they tell stories of characters who struggle with being human, like we all do. If your words aren't of the scripture, then keep them to yourself; especially if you're attempting to lead persons to Chrise.

Remember, the so-called children of the King aren't sinless, they just try to sin less...

Anyway, thanks for your opinions, I love it!!!

Monday, May 21, 2007 at 1:26:00 PM CST  
Blogger Dance_Soul said...

Hey BT -
I've been preparing my mind to begin work on writing this thesis. As we speak - I am 2 chapters down and 3 to go. Wish me luck.

Monday, May 21, 2007 at 1:39:00 PM CST  
Blogger JustMeWriting said...

yeah that anon post was uncalled for.

slump: I agree...we all sin and come short of the glory of God daily...I'm just saying in a perfect world...there's a (perfect world). If you're speaking about love, tainted or otherwise the words are can do it in a way that will insight lust or you can do it in a way that will just be insightfull, but there's a difference. I'm sure you know what I mean...we've all gone through some things that we could talk about all day, but within our talk there's a message to be taken, what will that message be? I personally can't have a conversation about something and use all kinds of language then turn around and bless or thank the Lord...if so I'm repenting like crazy. Yes, nobody perfect, but if you're going to wear the lable...people have got to see it.

You're welcome, I really enjoyed this

Monday, May 21, 2007 at 2:33:00 PM CST  
Blogger Miz JJ said...

People need to stop worrying so much about the sins of others. I can not stand people who want to sit there and judge what a good Christian should or should not do. They are missing the ENTIRE point of the religion with that mess.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007 at 11:29:00 AM CST  
Blogger JustMeWriting said...

hey dude...I'm loving this new look...those black roses are off the chain.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007 at 11:50:00 AM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Slump, I'm proud of you!

First, I love the new background- the different hues of orange is really nice.

I don't think that poetry that's not about God is of the devil. Don't listen to folks who talk like that. They don't know what they are talking about. That's how I see it. Poetry should be REAL. An expression of your individuality and originality. That's it.

You're better than me. I don't know if I'll ever do an open mic. I'm still having jitters about publishing and letting people READ my writing. Perhaps I'll get over myself one day.

Comments section is back up on my blog.


Tuesday, May 22, 2007 at 11:57:00 AM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First let me re-introduce myself. About a year ago, we used to frequent each other's spots. I was at Adept Perception and was known as "G".

I dropped out because I went through (among other things)the struggle that your post brings up for discussion. If you care to, you can read about my thought process at the time at

Now I'm back and I'm writing again. And I have a new perspective (and admittedly, still some of the old struggle).

I believe that if a person is a Christian, they should represent themselves as one in word, thought and deed to the best of their ability. But I also beleive that Christians shouldn't go around telling people how to live. I think you share Christ, let people discover Him and make the changes they see fit in their own lives. I will say that there is a way, according to God's word that is right, and no amount of equivocation on our part is going to change the truth of that. Often we decided that we're going to go against the book despite what it says because that's what we want to do. God will deal with all of us based on the lives we live and the lives we touch, so it's up to the individual to make their own peace with God. If a person asks me what "thus saith the Lord" about what they think, do or so, I'll tell them. But I won't jump into their lives and start trying to clean house for them. God gave us all free will for a reason. And since He did, who am I to take it away. A person is going to do what a person is going to do. "For him to knoweth to do right and doeth it not, to him it is a sin." God's word, and in some aspects, the person's heart determines what is good or bad, right or wrong (but the individuals heart does not supercede God's word)

That having been said, I do not agree that any word that falls out of your mouth that doesn't specifically glorify God is a sin. What if you're sharing a recipe, or relaying the fact that the yard needs cutting? How could that be either?

On my spot, I've written about some...interesting things...but it's done in a style to not lead anyone astray, but to entertain them. Some of it actually is designed to glorify God. I did a semi-sexual piece, but it was entitled "Monogamy". The one I have up today is called "Temptation" which simply imparts the struggle with right and wrong we all deal with.
Oh and I sho' nuff listen to ol' school, like EWF, SOS, Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes, etc. I don't think I'm going to hell for it.

In the end, it's each person's decision to live the life they choose, and it's not for others to judge because the judges often need judging themselves (Matt 7:1-5). Ultimately, "every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord." What happens after that, as it relates to the belief of most Christians,will be determined by God's grace and the life you chose to lead.

Peace be unto you my brother.

Friday, May 25, 2007 at 10:01:00 AM CST  

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