Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Lost in Love (Adaptation)

The following piece is an adaptation
of a poem written by a new found friend,
whom I have yet to stop loving...

Her Piece
"He was he,
and I became him,
two bodies can’t coexist as one,
so he stayed him and I became no one,
a shadow of a former self that was never self-actualized in that reality,
but in his reality, a reality which was skewed,
morphed by his limitations, what could we do?

…but be who we were, him being him and me not quite anyone…"

Slumpfacade Piece
She was overpowering,
her presence lasting lifetimes like emerging sun stars,
blinding like the Heavens,
her gravitational pull drew me within,
transforming, dividing like math,
but not like two halves equaling a whole,
more like she retaining her soul leaving me without,
leaving me in doubt, blinded by the emptiness,
enslaved by a temptress who, in her reality was innocent,
but in my reality was no longer a benefit except to herself,
but what could be done?

Ourselves became singular, an anomaly,
devolving into an instability, erasing myself along with
my innocence...


Blogger Gemini Girl aka GG said...

these are both very well written.

I love.. "so he stayed him and I became no one"... this happens in a lot of cases..

and slump..your first line is so powerful...I've been that person I can find myself in almost everything you write lately...
[tapping finger] waiting for my book to arrive *wink*

Thursday, April 19, 2007 at 5:51:00 AM CST  
Blogger Dance_Soul said...

Loved both.

Thursday, April 19, 2007 at 11:56:00 AM CST  
Blogger Little Brown Girl said...

WOW whoever wrote the first one must have lived in my house...DEEP!!!

I loved yours too but her's (the female perspective) spoke directly to my situation.

Friday, April 20, 2007 at 5:14:00 PM CST  

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