Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The I’s Have It XI

I thank you for finally forgiving my sins against you, too bad you’re still too selfish to allow me to be a father; her loss.

I finally moved on, it felt good to hear you cry when I told you I no longer wanted to be bothered with you or your selfish ways.

I see what really matters now, its not you.

I hope your book deal is going well, once your ego subsides give me a call or e-mail, still want to support you even though you’re JUS full of shit.

I wish I could go on sabbatical in order to begin writing my next book, its deep within beginning to surface.

I now know what it feels like to be a Yo-Yo and its all your fault.

I pray one day you’ll realize the true worth of your vagina, stop spreading it like a cold.

I wish you were dead, really, I do.

I feel emotionally drained.

I need Lillian to help me focus on writing again, hope she reads this “I’s Have It”.

I met a lot of cool authors this weekend at the Zora Neale Hurston book fair; there is definitely a difference between a novel and a book of poetry.

I think my next literary endeavour will be a poetic novel.

I now know a man’s weakness lies within his heart, not his penis.

I now know a man’s strength lies within his ability to transcend his adversity, never succumbing to trivial people, places or things.

I know, yet again, God is using me to make a difference, unfortunately, I don’t how it will come about.

I am afraid.


Blogger Shelle said...

wow. had some stuff to get off your chest i see.
had to laugh at more than a few...book #2 already, well go on with your bad self

Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 3:02:00 AM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're so honest and that's what I love about you. You're not afraid to see yourself...your real self. Keep that, nurture it and never lose sight of it.

I would love to write a poetic novel as well. Can't wait to read yours!

Friday, June 1, 2007 at 12:00:00 AM CST  
Blogger piglet said...

good job on this and most importantly, admitting fear.

i think you should definitely do a poetry book next.

Friday, June 1, 2007 at 12:49:00 AM CST  

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