Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Final Error

Bill loved to hunt, bears where his favorite prey. He loved the challenge in slaying one of the most feared animals in nature. Bill was a creature of habit, usually. When preparing for his hunting excursions, he’d perform the same ritual; arise early, load his gun, dress, eat and head to the forest.

Today he was tracking a Black Grizzly, native to the northern hills of Colorado, in hopes of catching a bear; a formidable prize. The 5th Annual North American Trapper’s convention was in two days, Bill wanted to dominate the conversation with his exaggerated stories of how he bagged the big game.

After three hours of waiting, he spotted his prey. He looked for his shotgun. While reaching, he broke a tree branch alerting the bear. The bear began approaching, ready to attack! Bill grabbed his gun, pointed it at the bear as it leapt toward him and pulled the trigger. Click, nothing happened, then…

Bill forgot his gun!

Now his head is sitting on the mantle next to Goldielock’s in the middle of the Black Grizzly bear’s living room...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i LOVE this. it's a twist with a surprise and threaded in very well.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007 at 10:17:00 PM CST  

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