Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I was listening to Jay-Z on Hot 97 yesterday when he uttered the following, "I don't have any friends, only associates and family. Associates are to be used to elevate your career, build connections and place you in a position to better yourself. They do so without expectations unless its to return a favor, quid pro quo. Family, they are there regardless, usually asking for nothing, supporting you endlessly. They are happy because you are happy, like most parents they only to see you do good for yourself."
Interesting approach, what do you think?


Blogger Unknown said...

All I can say is, he must have a family like no other. I myself find that my "friends" are more supportive and willing to help you when needed than family.

Thursday, September 20, 2007 at 8:22:00 AM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can agree with that, but only from the perspective that I make my own family. A long time ago my auntie spoke the truest words to be heard

"All Your kin ain't your kind"

That being said I recognize that there are people related to me by blood that I avoid like the plague. On the opposite foot there are people who have walked into my life and I love like they were blood related.

So if by family he means people who are there for him like family whether related or not then yes I agree. If he is using family in its traditional terms then I have to disagree.

As to associates...the key to having them is to never let them know you don't think of them as friends.

Friday, September 21, 2007 at 10:12:00 AM CST  
Blogger Dee said...

sounds like a pretty lonely place to me. My family is demanding, frustrating, and guilt-mongering.
I need friends so I can chill and be understood.
Associates are not that important for me. Especially since I do not, never did, and never will have the spirit of an entrepreneur. If you are an acquaintance you are either
1. a friend who got downgraded after showing me you didn't care all that much
2. about to be upgraded to friend status or
3. in mutual agreement that we probably shouldn't bother to get to know each other

Wednesday, September 26, 2007 at 1:46:00 PM CST  
Blogger Vee said...

While I would partially agree with Jay and say that you call call every Joe Schmoe your friend. But myself, I know who are friends to me and they are LIKE my family and I keep them just as close as I do my family. Without them, sometimes I don't know what I would have done in my life's situations. Anyone beyond them, they would be considered associates.

Thursday, October 4, 2007 at 11:35:00 AM CST  

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