Thursday, September 20, 2007

Jena Six Issue

I swore I wouldn't do this, but the streets are watching so I had to get out my pen and pad. Research being done, articles being read and talk radio opinions having been heard I now offer my own. There is no excuse for ignorance. There is something to be said for one on one combat, which is how men should handle business, not by resorting to gang attack tactics. I understand the climate, I can even appreciate wanting to react to a racists statement like hanging a noose, however, violence isn't the answer.

If the Jena Six were white, the black community would want their heads on a silver platter, want each of the white defendants to serve 100 years, probably want the white defendants to receive the death penalty. I've spoken to several African Americans who have tirelessly defended the actions of the African American teens based on them provoked. No amount of provoking, minus being spat on or hit, justifies six individuals stomping someone out like a fire. If I have a problem with you, I'm coming to see you by myself, not with my crew, alone. The act of the Jena Six was cowardice personified, however, the events surrounding their case were unfortunate and blatantly racists. Let's not lose focus here. The Jena Six were wrong in their actions. The three white students who hung the noose were wrong for their actions. The Superintendent was wrong for saying the noose act was just a "prank". The Jena Six situation is not necessarily about race, but more about violence. There are certain people who would say if the violent students were white, the victim was black there would be no outcry.

I disagree.

The bottom line is African Americans can't fight racism with fire, we can only fight it by becoming more educated, becoming more refined and less confined to the "black" spot. We need to focus on occupying the universal spot of elevation. Funny thing is, the more successful you become segments of black America say you are attempting to act white, while there are segments of white America who will never deal with you because you will ALWAYS be too black.

One day it will all make sense... Common


Blogger Miz JJ said...

Interesting post. However, there was a case of a black teen beaten by a group of whites in Jena were no one got arrested.

Also, what does becoming "more refined" mean to you?

Saturday, September 22, 2007 at 9:39:00 AM CST  
Blogger SLUMP FACADE said...


I'll answer the last question first, I define "more refined" as reaching a point in life where taking penitentiary chances in no longer an option. Prior to having my son I didn't value life, lived from day to day and wasted time caught up in the present while not focusing on the future. I too reacted without considering the repercussions. Now, since I have moved into a new space, I'd jeopardize my freedom. In addition, I was told at a young age, "if you don't place yourself in the position you can't get caught up in a bad situation."

This has become my mantra, along with several others. For the record, I don't condone any act of violence unless I am attacked. Talked with my mom this weekend, she believes the J6 are correct in their actions and should only be suspended from school for a three day period. She believes the school should have handled it internally (concerning the J6 actions), however, she also thinks the students who hung the noose should be brought up on federal hate crime charges.

Call me bias, but if six students gang attack my son I want all of them to serve time, especially if my son didn't hit anyone first...

We, as African Americans, may be powerless to control an institutionally racist system, however, we are powerful enough to walk away from situations which may result in our loss of freedom.

Monday, September 24, 2007 at 7:10:00 AM CST  

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