Friday, June 30, 2006


I rarely get personal on this blog, however, it is time I come
out of the closet and admit something to all those who frequent
OR (SADLY) HAVE SEX. I have finally accepted it, a woman's
foot is more arousing than her lips, hips, ass and yes, even her smile.

Due to my recent discovery I have been called crazy, a fool, ignant,
out of my mother loving mind and some other names I choose not to
list due to the offensive nature of the words. In short, I may love
a woman's foot as much as her heart, damn! Which brings me to
why I have made today's post. I need your assistance...

If you are female, know a female or wish you were a female,
please answer the following questions on your blog or as a
comment so I can read them in my leisure.

Thanking you in advance ladies, I appreciate your desire to help
me deal with my new found love for your feet;

1) What is the first priority when purchasing a shoe, looks or comfort?
2) What is the most you would pay for a “dress stiletto”?
3) Which type of shoes do you own more of, “one-hour wears” or “all day wears”?
4) What is more important when purchasing a shoe, designer or look?
5) Shoe preference, “high heel”, “wedge heel”, “short heel” or “flats”?
6) What is the most important piece of your wardrobe, “shoes”, “hat” or “handbag”?
7) Do you associate “cost” of shoe with quality?
8) Is your dress style defined by shoes or clothes? If shoes, how do your shoes enhance your “look”, “attitude”, or “personality”?
9) If you only had $50, which would you chose to purchase, dinner or a pedicure?
10) How frequent are your pedicures, per month?
11) How often do you get foot massages?
12) Is having someone paint your toes sexy, why? Also, would you pay to have it done, if so, how much?
13) How important is the beautification of your feet to your overall level of confidence?
14) Do you feel sexier when your feet are made up?
15) Do you wear foot jewelry, ankle bracelets? If so, how often?

Bonus Question…
16) If you could purchase a perfume for your feet, what would be the scent?


Blogger 2nd2none1 said...

1) What is the first priority when purchasing a shoe, looks or comfort?


2) What is the most you would pay for a “dress stiletto”?

It depends on the shoe.

3) Which type of shoes do you own more of, “one-hour wears” or “all day wears”?

all day wears

4) What is more important when purchasing a shoe, designer or look?


5) Shoe preference, “high heel”, “wedge heel”, “short heel” or “flats”?

high heel

6) What is the most important piece of your wardrobe, “shoes”, “hat” or “handbag”?


7) Do you associate “cost” of shoe with quality?

No I do not

8) Is your dress style defined by shoes or clothes? If shoes, how do your shoes enhance your “look”, “attitude”, or “personality”?


9) If you only had $50, which would you chose to purchase, dinner or a pedicure?


10) How frequent are your pedicures, per month?

depends on my finances

11) How often do you get foot massages?

rarely-not enough

12) Is having someone paint your toes sexy, why? Also, would you pay to have it done, if so, how much?

No. Because I like done to my satisfaction. I have never had a man paint them before.

13) How important is the beautification of your feet to your overall level of confidence?

Not that important.

14) Do you feel sexier when your feet are made up?

yes I do.

15) Do you wear foot jewelry, ankle bracelets? If so, how often?

Not anymore.

Bonus Question…
16) If you could purchase a perfume for your feet, what would be the scent?

Rain or ocean, I prefer fresh clean scents.

Friday, June 30, 2006 at 11:47:00 AM CST  
Blogger Shelle said...

b, u r something else lol...but i will post on my blog...u asked all the right questions...

Friday, June 30, 2006 at 12:28:00 PM CST  
Blogger chele said...

1) What is the first priority when purchasing a shoe, looks or comfort? LOOKS

2) What is the most you would pay for a “dress stiletto”? $100

3) Which type of shoes do you own more of, “one-hour wears” or “all day wears”? ALL DAY

4) What is more important when purchasing a shoe, designer or look? LOOK

5) Shoe preference, “high heel”, “wedge heel”, “short heel” or “flats”? HIGH HEELS

6) What is the most important piece of your wardrobe, “shoes”, “hat” or “handbag”? SHOES

7) Do you associate “cost” of shoe with quality? NOT REALLY

8) Is your dress style defined by shoes or clothes? If shoes, how do your shoes enhance your “look”, “attitude”, or “personality”? CLOTHES -- I WEAR HEALS EVERYDAY

9) If you only had $50, which would you chose to purchase, dinner or a pedicure? DINNER!

10) How frequent are your pedicures, per month? NEVER HAD ONE

11) How often do you get foot massages? PROFESSIONAL? NEVER.

12) Is having someone paint your toes sexy, why? Also, would you pay to have it done, if so, how much? YES. SHOWS ATTENTION TO DETAIL. I WOULD NOT PAY TO HAVE IT DONE.

13) How important is the beautification of your feet to your overall level of confidence?

14) Do you feel sexier when your feet are made up? SEXIER? NOT REALLY.

15) Do you wear foot jewelry, ankle bracelets? If so, how often? I MAY WEAR A BRACELET EVERY NOW AND THEN. I'M WEARING ONE NOW.

Bonus Question…
16) If you could purchase a perfume for your feet, what would be the scent? BROWN SUGAR AND FIG.

Friday, June 30, 2006 at 12:55:00 PM CST  
Blogger Lyrically speaking said...

I will answer your questions on my blog, nothing wrong with having a foot fetish but what I found interesting is how you would pick that over sex, wow, that's deep. Hmmmmmmmm...learned something new today about you, lol, great post

Friday, June 30, 2006 at 7:24:00 PM CST  
Blogger Daily Piglet said...

I will answer on my blog too, perhaps you are not alone in your fetish :)

Fetish's are cool and very creative....

Friday, June 30, 2006 at 9:18:00 PM CST  
Blogger MagicalSis said...

please see my blog for the answers to your questions.
this was fun.

Friday, June 30, 2006 at 11:08:00 PM CST  
Blogger Raquita said...

I answered your questions on my come and visit!

Sunday, July 2, 2006 at 8:23:00 AM CST  
Blogger Remnants of U said...

I have answered the questions on my blog. Thanks to you this will be my first meme. So stop by for a visit.

Wednesday, July 5, 2006 at 7:50:00 PM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My feet aren't necessarily the sexiest, but I'll answer your questions you foot freak!

Thursday, July 6, 2006 at 11:37:00 AM CST  
Blogger fidel.negro said...

look mayne, i gotta say i'm impressed by your brand of questioning. truly you have a foot fetish...feed your need bruh.

Thursday, July 6, 2006 at 12:00:00 PM CST  
Blogger Blah Blah Blah said...

1. looks
2. have paid $400...but doubt i would do that again...depends on the shoe and who was paying for
3. i'm from California (drivers) so i have more heels...but i live in NYC (walkers) so i am turning into a flipflop/sneaker person
4. look
5. high heels
6. shoes
7. no, i have some expensive shoes that busted quick on me
8. shoes...i'm a show-whore..wverything revolves around my shoes. i hate clothes shopping
9. toes are always done
10. pedicure every friday
11. they come with the pedicures
12. pedicurist does it and I pay her $35...and personally, that's too much
13. i love soft feet..MY soft feet
14. yes...naw, HELL YES
15. i occassionaly wear a toe-ring...have worn a ankle bracelet forever
16. something scent. but i heard that the smell of vanilla is an aphrodisiac for men...same as the color red

Thursday, July 6, 2006 at 3:49:00 PM CST  
Blogger Nika Laqui said...

1) What is the first priority when purchasing a shoe, looks or comfort?


2) What is the most you would pay for a “dress stiletto”?


3) Which type of shoes do you own more of, “one-hour wears” or “all day wears”?

All day wears

4) What is more important when purchasing a shoe, designer or look?


5) Shoe preference, “high heel”, “wedge heel”, “short heel” or “flats”?
High Heel

6) What is the most important piece of your wardrobe, “shoes”, “hat” or “handbag”?


7) Do you associate “cost” of shoe with quality?

No, the most expensive shoes hurt the most...

8) Is your dress style defined by shoes or clothes? If shoes, how do your shoes enhance your “look”, “attitude”, or “personality”?


9) If you only had $50, which would you chose to purchase, dinner or a pedicure?


10) How frequent are your pedicures, per month?

When I was balling, every week...

11) How often do you get foot massages?

When my child's father was around, anytime I asked...I miss his pampering..

12) Is having someone paint your toes sexy, why? Also, would you pay to have it done, if so, how much?

Yea, but men can't paint toes that well...$25 pedicure

13) How important is the beautification of your feet to your overall level of confidence?

When wearing open toe shoes, it means the world.

14) Do you feel sexier when your feet are made up?

Hell yea

15) Do you wear foot jewelry, ankle bracelets? If so, how often?

Toe rings hurt...
But I wear my anklet whenever my legs are exposed...

Bonus Question…
16) If you could purchase a perfume for your feet, what would be the scent?

The same fragrance I wear on my body...
Curve, Adriene Vittidini, Cool Water

Wednesday, July 12, 2006 at 4:10:00 PM CST  
Blogger Lāā said...

I know I really late with this one but I posted on my blog.

Friday, July 14, 2006 at 1:29:00 PM CST  
Blogger Xave said...

After scolding me for acting like a fool the night before, she gave me her phone number and made me promise to call. And I did. In fact I called every night that we weren’t together. During one of our talks, I asked her if she had ever been in my sister's dorm room. She said yes so I asked her to visualize the room. When I asked if she remembered the photograph of the young couple in bed, Daisy giggled as she told me that she could see it clearly. Then I had her imagine that it was us. “Can you see me holding your foot?” I asked.
“Yes,” she said.
“But I would put the polish on last,” I said. “First I would give you a foot massage. Have you ever had a foot massage?”
“No,” she replied with another giggle.
“Well I’ll have to give you one. Of course I’ll have to nibble on your toes just a little bit,” I teased in a deep voice.
“No! You can’t do that,” she exclaimed. “I’m ticklish.”
I laughed. “You have sensitive feet. I like that. Where else are you sensitive?”
“I’m not telling you.” she said, still giggling.
“Works for me,” I said, “more fun finding out myself. Should I start with your feet and work my way up, or should I start kissing on your neck and work my way down?”
And so it continued every night, into the early hours of the morning. More intoxicating than any drug, her innocence drew me in like a trap. Even as I titillated her senses and teased her mind, the fact that she had no clue of the effect she was having on me made our conversations all the more stimulating, but I needed more...

From "Lovers Anonymous" Chapter 9

Monday, July 17, 2006 at 3:25:00 PM CST  

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