Friday, July 07, 2006


Issue #1

She is younger than I,
though time passes rapidly she remains
looking, feeling, tasting beautiful as Hazel Nut aroma
awaking my slumbering soul from a deep sleep,
her depth deep as I made it, wet; fathoms,
to fathom life without her is akin to dying,
a kindred emotional labyrinth defines our existence
leaving each of us searching for the other
regardless the proximity,
leaving each with less regard for the present,
more concern for the future,
unfortunately neither can see beyond the past
we created, loathed,
unless she rest atop my chocolate phallic symbol,
topping me like chocolate cherries,
screaming my name loudly,
expecting me to cum in her direction,
loudly screaming my name, reminiscent of my mother
expecting me to come in her direction whenever
I broke something or when she found out I'd lied...

...this time, each time I was only breaking her heart,
each time, this time once her legs were spread apart
she was oblivious of the transgression(s) or at least pretended
her heart was mended until I pulled out…


Blogger Angel said...

"...this time, each time I was only breaking her heart,
each time, this time once her legs were spread apart
she was oblivious of the transgression(s) or at least pretended
her heart was mended until I pulled out..."

the thing about love and sex is that although they aren't necessarily dependent on each other, they are related. while we as women do a damn good job of playing "dumb" and "pretending" things are what they are not, i think the reality is that we do indeed know what's up--we just don't want to...

thanks for provoking self-reflection... :)

Friday, July 7, 2006 at 11:23:00 AM CST  
Blogger chele said...

I agree that love and sex aren't necessarily dependent on each other ... but so many times we (us girls) link them.

I was thrown by the comparison to mother. Do men usually compare the women they sleep with to their mothers?

Friday, July 7, 2006 at 12:11:00 PM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


you have a way with words.

Saturday, July 15, 2006 at 8:40:00 PM CST  

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