Monday, July 10, 2006

What the What is BMI?

Damn Obesity!

Please excuse the following, but I have had it with
America's inner opinion having an impact on her
outer self-esteem. While searching this
morning to find out more information about the
World Cup ending, I ran across an article about weight
and an acronym called BMI (Body Mass Index). In short,
it determines whether a person is underweight, normal,
overweight or obese based on their height, weight.
“Overweight” is defined as having a
body mass index (BMI)
of between 25 and 29.9, and “obese” as having a BMI
of 30 or higher. The site had a scale so, out of curiosity,
I entered my information, 5’8”, 205 pounds and pressed “enter”,
GUESS WHAT, I’M OBESE!!! Not only do I work out four
days a week, but I try my best to not eat as much Bo-bo’s fried
chicken as I can. Needless to say, I went to the bathroom and
studied my body, indeed I’m not as ripped as 50 Cent, but obese,
come on now. Luckily, after returning from the bathroom, I continued
to further research the topic to find the following,
“It's important to
note that muscle mass is not taken into consideration when
calculating BMI.”
Now I’m pissed, why didn’t they post this tiny
bit of information at the beginning of the piece? I have enough to
worry about, don’t need to be focusing on health issues linked to
obesity – remember, I the guy who washes his hands at least 12
times a day (damn hood Monk). Any way, just wanted to let ya'll
know that even though high self-esteem is rock solid, sometimes
the “official” opinion can do damage to the foundation.

Hell, after reading the article, I wondered if the sister who asked me
for my ###-#### this weekend thought I was fine or was into fat guys.

Guess I’ll find out when she calls…


Blogger Angel said...

HELL NAW for being the "hood's Monk!!!" damn obsessive compulsive ass! you already know your body is just fine boo (might wanna lay off the double scoop german chocolate milkshakes for awhile though ;). personally, i think all grown men should weigh more than 200 pounds any damn way! dudes that weight less than that walking around next to me looking like you're my damn little brother or something? not cool and definitely not sexy!

Monday, July 10, 2006 at 9:49:00 AM CST  
Blogger chele said...

"into fat guys" LOL

good one.

Those standards jack me up every time. My BMI is 21.1 which they say is normal ... I think I'm underweight.

Monday, July 10, 2006 at 10:21:00 AM CST  
Blogger Shelle said...

LOL@ don't know if she was into fine or fat...too funny.
yeah that BMI is a joke, as much as the constant barrage of society's view of beauty.

Monday, July 10, 2006 at 12:27:00 PM CST  
Blogger Daily Piglet said...

You know my husband sent me a link about his BMI and I thought no way in hell is he obese. I'm going to let him read this.

It is TIME for us to STOP letting the MEDIA define WHO WE "should" BE. Fuck them. Thanks for writing this Slump.

Monday, July 10, 2006 at 9:29:00 PM CST  
Blogger MagicalSis said...

Slump, my sweet love....ugg and uggg-ugggg. this is a big 'ole conspiracy to get people to feel bad about themselves enough to buy some shit we do not need.

we need to be healthy, true....but really, our bodies are just the shell to carry our soul.

let's all just be beautiful and quit buying into the bullshit the corporations are trying to sell us about looks.

i am not my body or my house or my car or my job or my family.

i am god's kid and so are You.

great post!!!!!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006 at 6:17:00 AM CST  

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