Monday, April 02, 2007

Colour Blind

He was told BLACK represented depression,
thus, he spent the rest of his life's existence
seeking WHITENESS hoping for a Heavenly
was told it was opposite,
meaning better, healthier, wealthier, cleaner,
unable to find his imagined utopia,
he prayed for his RED anger to subside,
vanish, dissipate,
along with his new found hate for self,
which left him unable to trust,
unable to value cultural sustenance like
those he admired, like pedestals,
those whom he lifted higher,
those whom he aspired to be like,
and since he could not,
he was left GREEN with envy,
left counting the BROWNS of pennies,
the darkness of poverty,
the horror of being in an unfulfilled reality,
so much so it forced him to summon the courage,
to bleach the YELLOW pinstripe he called a spine,
forced him to appreciate time,
forced him to conceptualize Zion,
visualize brilliant BLUE skylines,
within GREY cumulus clouds,
specifically, the ones following him his entire life,
forced him to see his plight as valuable,
as streets paved in bullion bright GOLD,
as showers of diamonds,
as pool of oil,
as acres of untainted soil made ready to feed worlds,
as beautiful as his reflection like coal,
life's toil is daunting,
but the journey is not to be wasted or spoiled,
for within lies the answers to the questions
making the weak amongst us fold,
for within these light ORANGE palms
I hold the key to futures untold,
for I am half being, half soul,
which means I am...


Blogger Shelle said...

very creative...and i think one of your better pieces as well. good one

Monday, April 2, 2007 at 1:31:00 PM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is remarkably deep, Slump!

You have no worries! You got it! You just gotta believe it!

Monday, April 2, 2007 at 8:18:00 PM CST  
Blogger Little Brown Girl said...

I hold the key to futures untold,
for I am half being, half soul,
which means I am...

WOW!!! This is another awesome production B! That last line knocked me over though...says so much with so few words. WOW!!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007 at 7:30:00 AM CST  
Blogger piglet said...

i really like this and your use of the colors in there. very creative and smart :)

Thursday, April 5, 2007 at 10:16:00 PM CST  

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