Saturday, March 10, 2007

Music Television Explotation...

What the...

Today I was flipping through the cable dial,
looking to find out what was going on on
Channel Zero when I happened on CH. 160,
MTV I. As usual, they were rating the BEST
RAP GROUPS of all time with the usual EAST
COAST biased subjects ranting, raving about
eastern dominance.

Their list consisted of the following:
#2) NWA
#3) Public Enemy
#4) Outkast
#5) WuTang
#6) A Tribe Called Quest
#7) EPMD
#8) Salt -n- Pepa
#9) Fugees
#10) UGK

I have absolutely no problem with the top four and
depending on how the next OUTKAST cd sounds, they
may need to be moved into the #3 position. However,
I break ranks with the final three spots. First of all,
Salt -n- Pepa isn't in the top 20, the group was manufactured,
the raps were wack and their appeal was primarily due to
them being females and filling a Hip Hop feminine void.
EPMD was never hotter than the Fugees or UGK, which pushes
them into the top 15. Fugees only had one classic cd, The
Score, which pushes them into the top 15 as well.

The last four spots should consist of...
#7) The Roots
#8) Ghetto Boys
#9) De La Soul
#10) UGK

Total break down...

FIVE truly East Coast groups, The Roots, though they are
from Philly, musically they are on an entirely different level,
hence their title of "Hip Hop's Greatest Band".

THREE Southern groups, each were HOT, enough said!

ONE West Coast group, but its NWA, plus, the only other

West Coast group worth anything was West Coast Connection
which only had one classic cd, their first.

I posted this piece becacuse I'm absolutely SICK & TIRED
of East Coast media bias concerning music and fashion. I
should have been a journalist, instead, I continue being a



Blogger Dee said...

why did you think this list would be accurate? It's MTV! It's based on the most heavily marketed/liked by general listeners

I mean, how could they even include artists that don't get played on the radio?

Tuesday, March 13, 2007 at 2:41:00 PM CST  

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