Thursday, March 22, 2007

The I's Have It IX

I am glad our last conversations ended with laughter, its time for us to work on making the fear subside...

I am growing nervous concerning my book, the pressure is mounting...

I feel like I'm floating at times, not in an outer body sense, but in an emotional context...

I finally accept the fact, being on stage, beyond the mic is the most frightening experience in the entire world...

I totally missed my blog anniversary, it was 03.16.07...

I need a break from the world, a safe place to run, like a personal tree house...

I am unhappy with our current situation, leaves me feeling as if you are the master to my puppet...

I wish I were devoid of emotion, like torrential rains during drives on dark back roads, they make it difficult to differentiate between the destination and the distractions...

I miss my Grandma...

I wonder if my eldest daughter knows how much I love her...

I think God is looking over my shoulder waiting for me to fail in order to pick me up...

I need an emotional break through...

I still believe in love minus expectation, however, the confinements are limited to very little...

I feel empty...

I will never place my hands on you again, in a harmful or loving way...

I don't understand why I love words, but hate reading...

I wonder why niggers don't get it, in order to elevate the poverty mentality must be shed...

I appreciate you helping me with the blog changes, still don't know how to add this damn PayPal button...

I think you love the me you think you can control because the uncontrollable me is too much of a challenge...

I hope my friend's wife doesn't kill him in his sleep...

I wonder if Halle Berry dreams of us making love as often as I do...


Blogger Angel said...

i too don't understand why you love words and hate reading...and you were a damn RAPPER!!!! damn weirdo! by the way, when you gonna post something from the HNNC cd? ;-)

Thursday, March 22, 2007 at 11:39:00 AM CST  
Blogger Isha said...

"I wish I were devoid of emotion, like torrential rains during drives on dark back roads, they make it difficult to differentiate between the destination and the distractions...

Man I understand this statement. I'd love to be able to just focus on the drive, not the road that is taking me there...

Thursday, March 22, 2007 at 4:15:00 PM CST  
Blogger omohemi Benson said...

lol@ dreaming of Halle.

Really like the post and flow of words.

Friday, March 23, 2007 at 1:47:00 PM CST  
Blogger Shelle said...

"in need a break from the world, a safe place to run, like a personal tree house" ...i still love those

i wish i were devoid of emotion, like torrential rains during drives on dark back roads....vivid emotion in itself don't ya think.

lol @ Halle Berry statement

Friday, March 23, 2007 at 3:03:00 PM CST  

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