Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Imus Bashing...

The unfortunate recent events leading to the demise of Mr. Imus have forced me to yet again, journey outside the box of staunch conservatism and laugh in the face of you liberals who have developed a strong tendency to bite the hand which feeds you. First and foremost, Imus is THE lone juggernaut voice of the far left, a refreshing, inviting individual who checks any, everyone who crosses the line; in short, he's an older version of Chris Matthews. Unfortunately, he's on the wrong side of the line, which is now actively attempting to tank his career and crucify him with his own words. In this age of extreme political correctness, it is unsafe for anyone to be frightfully honest, let alone be satirical in a comedic manner.

Am I angered by the actions of Imus, certainly, plus I'm disappointed, not at what he said, but at his feeble attempt to OVER APOLOGIZE for his statements. I'm hurt because he has allowed himself to fall victim to the age-old racial double standard which allows emcees to belittle black women every 30 minutes on BET, MTV and MTV2, supports black women who belittle themselves on said networks, condones black comedians who call black women whores, sluts, bitches and the like. Making matters worse are Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton who don't have a lick of credibility, hitting the networks "speaking" for the whole of African Americana; which in my opinion, they do not. In addition, I am totally sick of his comparisons to Strom Thurman, demands he should be fired and supposed outrage from the "community" which is basically too little, too late...

Lets not lose sight, Hip Hop is single largest disrespecting mechanism currently slandering the image of Black women to date!

The Imus issue is interesting because he's white, so-called attacking African American culture by calling a group of basketball players, "nappy-headed whores." Not too bad, all things considered, comparatively he's done alot better than most in his mild statement. Was he wrong for making the statement? Yes. Should he be fired? No. Should he be suspended without pay for offering his opinion? Maybe. Should he be slapped in the mouth for being honest, then apologizing about it? Hell, yes! It reminds me of Tim Hardaway apologizing for his comments about homosexuals after being honest, why? Can we no longer be honest? Its ridiculous!!! The Wendy Williams show is completely over the top, she has used the words "whores", "nappy", "nigger", ect. and no one in the so-called black community wanted to picket or demand she be fired. The double standard is completely amazing!

I'm done ranting, in the mean time, remember, you can only make a difference from the inside, long live the Black GOP Wing!!!


Blogger Miz JJ said...

I think those are two seperate issues in my mind. Just because hip hop is offensive to black women does not mean that Imus has a right to use racist, derogatory, stereotypical language to refer to black women. Free speech is a right. Rights come with responsibilities in my opinion.

Also, in my opinion, to blame black people exclusively, for the problems in hip hop is simplistic. Hip hop may be created by black people, but hip hop did not become the #1 selling genre because black people are out there buying CDs. Black people have a responsibility to speak up and say something. I would argue that people are saying something, but they are not always heard, or given the same mainstream attention. Just my 2 cents.

One last thing.
"Should he be slapped in the mouth for being honest, then apologizing about it? Hell, yes!"
What was "honest" about what he said. His remarks were an opinion not a fact.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007 at 2:00:00 PM CST  
Blogger Shelle said...

very interesting sir...i agree with the hip hop/rap reference. and its probably 1 reason why he felt he could use the reference, hell that is what we call our own anyway.
don't agree with him being honest, yes he was speaking his mind...but it was not a fact, only an opinion.
good rant though.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007 at 2:25:00 AM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See, now you are a brother after my own heart. Although I am extremely displeased with Imus and personally feel he should "man up" and accept the lashing he is gonna get for his comments, I agree 110% with you. I am so sick and tired of people saying a thing then back pedaling when they realize just how stupid they sound. That's what your brain is for. Edit before you speak. Once it has escaped your lips; however, own it. You spoke it. Somewhere inside yourself you had to feel that way or you never would have said it. Own it. Quit all this danggone apologizing!

I am soooo very sick of people having the balls to say whatever they want to but not being man/woman enough to own that what they said is really what they felt...even if only in that moment.

Say what ever you feel big and bad enough to say but if you want respect be big and bad enough to stand behind it no matter who you offend.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007 at 7:17:00 AM CST  
Blogger Little Brown Girl said...

Hip Hop rap thing *applause* but honestly I am so tired of this discussion because mainly it points the finger at a small part of the problem...hell yeah IMUS was wrong and that should be noted but why is it wrong for him but exceptable for us to call our own those same things. To me hearing a black man on a song played on the radio or on TV calling black women hoe.s and bytches is 1000 times worse then hearing IMUS say it...cause honestly I know they dont readily respect us but why should they when we dont even respect ourselves. It hurts me far more hearing it from my own...the very men who are supposed to love and protect me FIRST then hearing it from the same people that crept into the quarters of my female ancestors and rapped them...I expect it from them which makes it sting a little less (if that makes sense...although not condoning it) but from my brothers...it tears me up everytime I hear it...see it...it's disguisting

So stop having a heart attack over IMUS and start dealing with the real issues...hell you dont hear other cultures calling their women hoe.s and what not, so why get offended when they refer to us that way...after all we are the only ones who do it to ourselves and I can't blame them for being fascinated by it. We give them permission to use those words everytime we call each other ugly and demeaning terms in public and everytime one of these rapper dudes drops the words on wax...

I said I was done with the subject and went on a tangent...SORRY!! But really I am DONE!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007 at 1:52:00 PM CST  
Blogger Mr.Slish said...

Hoooorah!!!! Thought I was the only African that felt this way...Its great to know that I'm not alone...

Wednesday, April 11, 2007 at 3:48:00 PM CST  

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