Thursday, September 06, 2007

The Awakening

Rain drops run across the dimly lit sky leaving echoes of ultra-violet footprints as deep as two-ton sandals worn by the Gods during their stroll through the universe’s sand laced flowerbed or deep as whip marks on the backs of slaves left by manifest destiny types who were too often fearful of their own inadequacies to be concerned with the greatness of a distant people, both kin sharing life and death, entangled in a cultural chess match, for better or worse, struggle and fought over which birth right and skin shade is most elevated, swerving in like pendulum motion for the last 400 plus, but maybe that is just pasted, so I leave it behind…

Sunlight barely shines through the cloudy sky, piercing the earth’s moist surface like a penis gently tearing open the hymen of a virgin or slightly, like children parting the Venetian blinds of their parents window to watch them becoming one for the
two-millionth time, or dividing like a failed marriage, similar to Moses when he stood on the shore and watched the seas part, like a chest opened to replace a failed heart, no longer wanting to have life, rather taste death on lips, but this time the kiss last for an eternity or at least until judgment day comes and goes, angry souls left behind…

Snowflakes wildly blown across America’s Heartland, weighing the air down almost slowing it to the point where humans are unable to breathe, both in and outside of the storm, heavily falling like a battered wife out of love with the man whom she would have died for once upon a time, fast without regard for those standing in harm’s path similar to an alcoholic reaching for his bottle of syrupy life line falling to the floor of the car as he spins out of control, liquor’s gravitational pull like that of a black hole, the broken glass now lies scattered, torn pieces now half empty, half full, totally time for a strength renewal, but unable due to the urge to stay within the abyss of unreality, factual fallacy, somewhere between being found and becoming second, just behind first…

Wind gust make shreds of homes on the coast line of beaches where granules of sand now cover empty asphalt parking lots where life used to roar just hours before, pieces of nature sent to take back her place in-land, back like a x-crack head mother yet again returning to social services to sign papers petitioning the court system to re-consider her child custody case, back like a deeply depressed male returning to the clinic because he still believes he received a false positive HIV reading the first three times he began his journey, back like the cycle of death yet again remove love, hate the process, respect the effect, back like the vertebrae attached to the spine you used to have before allowing someone to strip you of innocence come and gone, once white hot, now luke-warm, once the strong individual, now merely a member of the weak norm, extremely confined, no longer free-formed like blown breath in front of, not behind the words you never uttered, but should have…


Blogger Shelle said...

okay b, where on earth did these come from? love it when poets take risks in their writing...these are good.

Thursday, September 6, 2007 at 12:46:00 PM CST  

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