Thursday, April 20, 2006



If money didn't matter what would you do with your life? I’d travel the country, visiting small, large hoods taking pictures; documenting the local histories (oral, visual), change my diet, read a new book each week, workout daily (like I can get finer than I am now) and create a collegiate culture shock institute.

What's the biggest misconception about you? I rarely intend to hurt individuals feelings when answering the following directive: "Be honest, tell me what you think." I might sound like an ass, but I do it out of love, really I do. If you don't want me to tell, don't ask...

Beauty or brains? I've done the brains thing - haitus - for now, I'm at the point where I just want a woman I can stare at and wonder why the Hell she is in love with me. Another reason I'm done with the brains is I'm tired of women wanting me for my intellect. I hate the following comments, "You aren't my type, but I like you for some odd reason," or "I'm not normally attracted to guys like you," or this classic, "Intellect is so sexy, damn I'm attracted to you." What does that mean? Can I have one woman say, "...and I thought Morris Chestnut was fine!" or "Don't say anything, just stand there and let me give thanks to having such a fine man to call my own!" Something along those lines. I'm almost talked out, analyzed out, can I meet a woman who either takes control and leads me to higher places of intellect, not requiring anything other than I listen or she just be drop dead sexy and have nothing to say but, "Whatever you like..." (see Coming to America to get the reference)

What is your weapon of choice? Silence. I've found ignoring people makes them irate to the point where they rather you say something bad than nothing at all. I'm a passive, agressive, however, once I reach the agressive, that's your ass. (see Pulp Fiction to get the reference).

Who was your first celebrity crush? Thelma, Good Times, hands down! I wouldn't have know what to do with it, however, I'd have had a lot of fun trying. I was still a virgin, you know kissed a little tits, but no actual sex (See Boyz -n- The Hood to get the reference).

What's your family's nickname for you? Captain Bad Hair

What is your most embarrassing guilty pleasure? Chinese Food, can't stop eating it!

What's the last book you've read? The King of Torts, J. Grisham. However, I am also completing 48 Laws of Power, Robert Greene, it is the ultimate guide on how to manipulate -- I must say, it works...

Name one thing that scares you? That something pushes me toward the evil side of life. My mind is an interesting place, kinda like the guy in The Cell starring J Lo. I have a vivid imagination which see both good and evil unfold. My dreams are like movies, I remember each of them like I lived it. Hope, for my sake they are only dreams, not visions of things yet to come.

What's the biggest mistake you've made? Thinking people are actually honest when they answer my questions.

Who would you cast to play you in a movie about you? Andre 3000

If you ran for President of the United States, who would be your running mate? Condi Rice

Who is your favorite TV mom? Fran Drescher, The Nanny. I've never been with a white woman, however, she would get it!!!

What's the fastest way to pick a fight with you? Question my intellect... Hell, I'm always right.

If you could tell one person to shut up, who would it be? The Black Eyed Peas

Who would you die for? No one, ever.

Name one celebrity whom you would never procreate under any circumstances? Star Jones, she went from BIG and UGLY to CRACKHEAD UGLY, she is totally "T"!

It would be an honor if some said my writing/poetry reminded them of... ...regression to a time when they could not see, but hearing my words would give them vision through imagination.

Name one sex act you would never perform if you were the opposite sex? I would never strap up and hit my man from the back, anal. How could I respect him after that situation. I have friends, who shall go nameless, who actually let their women hit it. NEVER, EVER, EVER...

Would you ever pose for Playgirl/Playboy? Certainly, if Ki Toy posed with me;?

When was the last time you cried? The last time Angel came to town, she told me my love was toxic and that I wasn't a good friend -- she is selfish like that at times, however, I love her regardless.

What's the greatest personal tragedy you've ever experienced? Walking in on my father having sex with my fiance, just kidding. Allowing myself to love someone more than I loved my "self". In hindsight, she was worth it, however, I was worth more...

Complete this sentence: By this time next year______________. I will be in my third semester of working on my Ph. D., Adult & Higher Education, University of Oklahoma.


Blogger MagicalSis said...

feel like i know ya,
dominant you are!

Thursday, April 20, 2006 at 1:33:00 PM CST  
Blogger Shelle said...

a man who is very confident about himself, on the brink of cockiness...i like that.
ouch angel, but was she speaking the truth, i'm sure she was...

Thursday, April 20, 2006 at 2:12:00 PM CST  
Blogger Angel said...

i love it when you're honest B. know I wasn't trying to hurt your feelings. Just trying to learn to be selfish as it relates to dealing with my feelings...can't wait to see you on the other side of that Ph.D fence though! :)

Thursday, April 20, 2006 at 2:40:00 PM CST  
Blogger CousinSarah said...

Star Jones dog? I mean I can kinda get with it but she is the ONE person who you wouldnt do? Ok I just asked two other brothas and they both said star jones and macy gray. Ok. I will leave that alone.

It would be an honor if some said my writing/poetry reminded them of... ...regression to a time when they could not see, but hearing my words would give them vision through imagination.

Is awesome. You gets major props for that one!

Thursday, April 20, 2006 at 2:49:00 PM CST  
Blogger Daily Piglet said...

It's good to know you can rely on a person to tell you the truth. Tellin the truth is never easy. I respect people that can do that.

If Angel said you were toxic, why does it make her selfish?

Monday, April 24, 2006 at 8:45:00 PM CST  

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