Monday, July 10, 2006

Love Collapse

The following piece is a collabo between my friend Lillian and
myself, concerning an imagined kiss and how it
would make us feel. It was written in haste, but satisfied

our mutual curiosity. In addition, it was inspired by a piece
written by Arch Angel, G entitled FOREVERKISSGOODBYE.
Please feel free to chime in with your opinions, comments,
concerns or whatever you like...

Lillian = Bold, SLUMP = Italicized

Kissing you makes my mouth hot,
creates images of places where committed
hearts journey to sneak unfurled forbidden loves
like kids taking chocolate kisses from Grandma’s
candy bowl, quietly...

Kissing you makes my nipples tingle,
creates feelings which make my heart shiver,
not from the cold, but from the sun warmth
you shine, like old shoes made new from buffing
polish, covering all the impurities of worn leather,

Kissing you makes my finger tips numb,
creates thoughts of peaceful places where
waterfalls cascade across the backs of
strong mountains leaving them wet like my
lips when I pull back from our embrace,

Kissing you makes my vagina swim, contract,
stirring liquids preparing for consumption
like the sexy young college-aged girl
working at Frullati, slowly mixing bananas, cherries
patiently waiting for the next customer,
leaving me anticipating the mixing of a particular banana, cherry,

Kissing you erects my passion, long, thick obsession
made for pushing deep into the clouds,
making rains pour from the feminine Heavens,
like when the sun is shining,
while rainbows are bending during a light shower,

Kissing you makes time stand still,
frozen, watching moments pass through
closed eyes, like day dreaming on lookers
searching for the answers to unasked questions
within the confinements of a tapered reality designed
to pacify, make calm, gingerly…

Kissing you gives me temporary amnesia,
like when I forget about him, her during us time,
similar to when my torn heart overtakes my very aware mind,
but different then when I regret OUR actions, but wish “ours” would never end,
true, which is why I now understand why real love only comes,
goes when we meet,

only blossoms when we depart, greet, share, touch,
which is why I now understand why “we” love each other so much,
but can’t because we’re married,

true, you to him, I to her, OUR reality a blur, “our” fantasy crystal clear,

I love you

I love you too,
and will do so until we meet again to merge our hearts,

Yes, combine this love thru our most favorite activity; a kiss…


Blogger Shelle said...

well, it seems you found your match...
'stirring liquids preparing for consumption'
'pushing deep into the clouds...rain from heaven'

nice imagery without literal meaning

Monday, July 10, 2006 at 12:19:00 PM CST  
Blogger Angel said...

"Kissing you gives me temporary amnesia,
like when I forget about him, her during us time,
similar to when my torn heart overtakes my very aware mind,
but different then when I regret OUR actions, but wish “ours” would never end,
true, which is why I now understand why real love only comes,
goes when we meet,
only blossoms when we depart, greet, share, touch,
which is why I now understand why “we” love each other so much,
but can’t because we’re married,
true, you to him, I to her, OUR reality a blur, “our” fantasy crystal clear,"

very passionate. i love the intimacy. something most people probably dont know about me is that i'm not a kisser. yeah, i like to get my freak on as much as everyone else, but i reserve kissing for those that i love. yeah, there have been times that i have kissed someone that i didnt love, but i can count those times on ONE hand!!! i know i know. how can you let someone know you in the most intimate way, but not kiss them during the act? well, like i tell them, hey, it aint my mouth that needs pleasing buddy!!!! ;) LMBAO!!!

Monday, July 10, 2006 at 1:26:00 PM CST  
Blogger Unknown said...

Kissing you makes time stand still,
frozen, watching moments pass through
closed eyes, like day dreaming on lookers
searching for the answers to unasked questions
within the confinements of a tapered reality designed
to pacify, make calm, gingerly…

....could read this over and over and over. Beautiful!

Monday, July 10, 2006 at 8:02:00 PM CST  
Blogger MagicalSis said...

oh how this collaboration has picked me up from my daze and makin' me seek a sexy kisser to swirl tongues with, yummilicious.

awesome job you two!!!!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006 at 6:10:00 AM CST  
Blogger Sangindiva said...

Yall betta WORK this poem!

This was absolutely beautiful :)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006 at 3:51:00 AM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is nice! I like the imagery!

Saturday, July 15, 2006 at 8:37:00 PM CST  

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