Tuesday, October 10, 2006



Its my time to put the pen to the papyrus and open my mind,
heart to the thought of LOVE. My challenge, per Ms. Jus.B.Fli is,
“tell us truthfully and in great detail what romantic love
means to you and if you think it's obtainable.”

How do I approach EROS, great question, my answer is as follows:
I typically view love as a temptress who seduces me from
time to time, invites me over for dinner, plays with my
emotions, instructs me to get naked, lures me into the shower
and tells me to turn on the water; I do, moments later the
fill of natural gas overwhelms my nostrils and its over.

Sorry about being melodramatic, here is a better analogy.
Love is beautiful, pure, brilliant, different, ect. and
as long as it stands on its on it remains as such until it
is infected. How might it be infected?

The answer is via EXPECTATIONS!!!

It is my belief men primarily operate from the position of
logic, while women do so from a position of emotion; which
is why women are aroused, flattered or angered by events
attached to the heart.

Example #1: He sends her roses,
she associates his actions with an emotion (like, love)
and then begins to “act” differently due to her newly formed
“expectations” created by his action.

Example #2: He calls her each night for
a week to make sure she had a good day because he had the
opportunity and wanted to know. When he doesn’t call, her newly formed “expectation” for him to call leads her toward questioning
him as to why he didn’t call instead of just assuming he didn’t
have the opportunity to continue calling her every night.

I have a MILLION examples, some serious, others not so,
but to get back to answering the question, romantic love is the
point when two people “express” themselves toward each other
without expectation. When this set of circumstances is allowed to occur “everything” done is a well welcomed surprise and appreciated.
When he calls to check on her, she embraces the act because she
understands he doesn’t have an “official” place in his life as of yet.
Conversely, is he was her man, she’d “expect” him to call to check
on her because with the title comes responsibility.


Sidebar: the best place to be with an individual is between
being in like and being in love, here is where we are allowed
to just “be” without all the bullshit because here we are still
“learning” ourselves as we relate to the “new” person we are
learning well.

In fact, “expectation” of ones friend, mate (as it relates
to romantic love) is the HIV in the veins of Love.
One can certainly live with it, however, once it turns into
AIDS the love will die. The transformation from HIV to AIDS is
one which can occur rapidly or over time, regardless,
it is rooted within a persons insistence on attaching mounting
expectation on the person with which you are “involved”.
Have you ever heard the person with whom you are “involved” say,

“if you liked/loved me you’d do this…”?

If so, pay attention to their reaction when you refuse,
if it is one of anger each time your love is infected and
you are empowered to give it a transfusion or stay in it
and watch it die; hopefully, you, like others,
won’t die as well.

In short, romantic love, separate from “expectation” is mesmerizing!!!!!

Part II, do I think it is obtainable?

Emphatically, yes, it can be obtained if it is allowed to be
pursued without restriction. He can’t expect her to give him
head because she recently proclaimed she is in love and wants to
be his girl. She can’t expect him to celebrate
each monthly anniversary with a trip, a gift and dinner.

Love is what we make it, the key is knowing how he/she
“wants” to be loved as opposed to how you are “used”
to showing love.

Earlier, I mentioned giving love a transfusion,
the best way to do so is to expect nothing,
appreciate everything and enjoy it all. GL

Jus.b.fli, your truth, should you chose it is...
"Who is the piece, Interlude #4 : Soul Wide Shut (for you)
about?" Please list his REAL, not blog name...

Your dare, should you chose it is...
"I dare you to post a pic of yourself helping
up the co-worker you hate most after just slapping
them in the mouth!"


Blogger Nique said...

U r better than I am in discribing it, i promise my perception on love changed after i posted questions on my page, but hey thats just me. Love.......

Tuesday, October 10, 2006 at 11:40:00 AM CST  
Blogger Unknown said...

Wow, that's deep and philosophical. Makes me want to think it over and wonder why we, as humans, ache to be loved and accepted, along with all the pain and rejection AND joy it brings.

Expectation IS a big deal. We bring our perceptions and attitudes into a new relationship and somewhere along the line, test those perceptions to see if the other person has the same values, desires, motivations.

Sometimes they don't.

Very insightful.


Tuesday, October 10, 2006 at 3:12:00 PM CST  
Blogger layne bowden said...

Hmmm. Very "interesting" response. But somehow I knew you'd approach this from a totally different perspective... Yeah, I'm talking about the whole HIV/AIDS analogy! (LOL)

Okay. What's up with that TRUTH challenge? Man! You KNOW I always pick "truth", but this time... ummm... could I get another one? Maybe? Or is it non-negotiable? (Damn.) And if it is, how long do I have to comply? (Damn, again.)


Tuesday, October 10, 2006 at 3:34:00 PM CST  

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