Monday, February 12, 2007

The Broken Heart

What does the aforementioned title represent to you? me it represents the one time I was devastated by
being deep in love. See it shattering, unraveling,
coming apart @ the seems, melting down, turning
inward on itself, self-destructing, dissolving, breaking, etc...
I was in college at the time, her name was Tonya Parker.
She was the only woman I ever dated I would have waited
an eternity to have sex with because our connection was
amazing on so many levels. In fact, the one time she asked
me to make love to her, I told her I'd rather wait until we
were married; in hindsight, it was probably the reason we
didn't. Dumb ass or was I?
I was watching television this weekend, attempting to
do the 60 hours sports free for all couch potato thing
when it hit me... All of the V-Day commercials I'd saw
subliminally told me the best way to show a woman you
love her is to purchase something and give it to her. I
mean I saw all types of commercials encouraging men
to buy everything from a Lexus to a box of chocolates to
a diamond necklace, to a foot massager (personal favorite)
to a romantic dinner, to a hotel room complete with some
of the aforementioned. None of these commercials
instructed women to do anything to "show" or "prove"
their love for "the" man of their lives.
After watching all of the commercials, I've decided to be
a woman, at least for one day so I could get all the goodies
that go along with V-Day; then it hit me, I'd need a man.
Damn, a brother can't win for nothing!!!
We'll at least if I were a woman,
I'd get to have pretty feet and have my
toes out looking all fly; so much for dreaming.
Anyway this post is for reflective purposes only, enjoy...


Blogger Angel said...

i think valentine's day should really be just like any other day. yes, i know it's about that one day to show the person you love just how much in love with them you are, but why is it such a BIG deal to do it on the same day as EVERYBODY else? wouldn't it mean that much more if it was a day that you didn't have to share with so many others? besides, i'd much rather get a bunch of goodies for my birthday anyway (which just so happens to be 9 days after).

but then again, i also know that valentine's day is about being helpful. all the reminders and commercials we see aren't for ALL of us--they're for the IDIOTS who can't seem to get it right on all the rest of the days of the year so society is trying to help their pathetic asses!!!! LMAO! LMAO! LMAO!

Monday, February 12, 2007 at 4:56:00 PM CST  
Blogger Tenacious said...

eh Valentine's Day lost it appeal when I stop being Alvin and the Chipmunks cardboard cards...dont even sweat it. I dont need any of that mess, it's just a damn day...not like I get paid holiday or something *lol* then it would mean something *lol*

But that foot massager does seems like a pretty neat gift *lol*

Monday, February 12, 2007 at 8:24:00 PM CST  
Blogger Tenacious said...

@ Slump

Don't forget the glitter for my shirt dammit!

"If you want the Crack rush, put your mouth on the pipe"...

^^I offically died at that I hope you know....

Monday, February 12, 2007 at 8:25:00 PM CST  
Blogger Isha said...

Valentines Day BAH HUMBUG! The best thing that happened to me on a Valentines day was getting my annulment papers!

It's the day of EXPECTED gifts, activities, emotions, expressions. How about those days when you get a card, note, gift, or a call for no reason at all, and they always seem to be just at the right times! Those are the REAL sweetheart gifts, they let you know that someone was thinking of you for maybe no specific reason at all, but they wanted you to know it. I like those kinda special days better! When you are looking for it to come through the door, you may not get what you expected (disappointing), but when it comes to you from the heart it's always what you want (truth). Which is better?

And uh, yeah...go ahead and try that female thing...I got some 4 inch heels you can borrow just to make sure your package is complete.

Monday, February 12, 2007 at 11:19:00 PM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

awwww....sounds like someone is in need of some pampering from his woman!! Why not communicate that to her? I think in relationships, couples should show this type of affection toward each other, not just the man showing it to the woman. I know one thing, when I'm married, I will pamper my husband because I believe in that, and I know in turn, he will pamper me.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 at 10:32:00 AM CST  
Blogger Gemini Girl aka GG said...

broken heart = geegee :(

maybe your girl will surprise you with something 2morrow it's not too late , if not, I'll send you some photos to cheer u up! *wink*

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 at 10:55:00 AM CST  
Blogger Miz JJ said...

I never slept with my first love and in a way I think that makes what we shared really pure. I think our break-up would have been even messier if sex had been involved.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 at 11:02:00 AM CST  
Blogger piglet said...

ditto on the commercials for v-day and the shit that folks need to buy.

i don't buy into the buying stuff, if you only show your love one day a year then i won't worry with you showing it evah.

i think my husband appreciates my realist take on this.

i laughed at your (personal favorite) on the foot massager :) remembering that post you did a long time back...

Thursday, February 15, 2007 at 12:17:00 AM CST  

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