Thursday, September 13, 2007

Moment of Clarity II: Veridad o Falso

Do women sometimes just want a man to pay her attention in the form of beads of sweat dropping from his brow onto the small of her back for like three straight hours once every other week?

If so, can it be with the man with whom she is currently with or does it have to be with another guy with whom she can ALWAYS be herself...


Blogger Unknown said...

It depends on the type of woman she is.


Friday, September 14, 2007 at 6:40:00 AM CST  
Blogger Unknown said...

There are four importantthings a WOMAN needs, this is actually true.

First, she needs to feel appreciated for the unique individual that she is. She needs to feel special, unlike any other woman. And she needs to know that her man supports her in her endeavors.

Second, she needs to feel that deep intimate emotional connection. She needs to have that emotional intimacy with her man. It's a connection she shares only with him.

Third, she needs to feel like a woman. She needs to feel beautiful, sexy, and feminine. She needs to enjoy all those things that comes with being a woman.

And finally, she needs hot passionate sex. She needs to be seduced, enticed, teased, and satisfied, over and over again. She needs to experience new things, in new ways, including fantasies and roles. It makes her feel alive.

These are examples of men in a woman's life

The Bad Boy

For example, let's take the all famous classic bad boy. The bad boy gives her exciting sex. And because he is very masculine, he makes her feel sexy. But he is a self absorbed jerk who cheats on her. She does not feel appreciated, and she probably is unable to feel any emotional connection. She often becomes addicted to him because the sex is so good and she feels so very sexual. She will try in vain to tame him, but it is fruitless. In an emotional breakup, she finally leaves him for good. At least the high self esteem woman finally leaves him for good.

The Nice Guy

Then there's the classic wimp nice guy. He makes her feel appreciated, and he is able to establish an emotional connection with her. Unfortunately though, he's boring, or he's not masculine, so she doesn't feel sexy and doesn't feel turned on about sex. She'd love to marry him, because he'd be perfect for a family, but for some reason she keeps delaying the engagement. It's because he doesn't make her feel like a sexual creature.

The Emotionally Unavailable Guy

The closest she might get to the ideal relationship is the emotionally unavailable guy. He's not a wimp, and he's not a jerk. He may be masculine and give her good sex. He may be a gentleman and make her feel very appreciated. But there's one important thing missing. He's not emotionally available. She never feels emotionally connected to him. This is probably the biggest complaint women have. She found the ideal guy in all respects, but damn it, he's not emotionally available. She tries over and over to get him to open up to her, but it never happens. Women are emotional creatures, and they need it, so she eventually leaves.

The Gay Friend

There are other men in her life. There's her gay friend. She loves hanging out with him because he makes her feel sexy and he really makes her feel appreciated. She has a lot in common with him, but damn it, he's gay, and thus not an option.

The Mysterious Lover

And then there's the occasional mysterious lover. For many reasons she'd never ever consider him seriously for anything, but damn, the sex is good. Once every few months, when she is bored with how things are going for her, she'll call him up and go over for one thing, and one thing only. For the sex. And then she leaves hoping she will soon find the ideal man.

The Married Man

And finally, as one last example, there's the married man. Only low self esteem women allow themselves to become a mistress, or in other words, a woman who wants what she can't have. He gives her exciting sex, he makes her feel sexy, they share a deep emotional connection. But he won't leave his wife. So she doesn't feel special. And because she is low self esteem, it is very difficult for her to leave.

If Only She Could Have All That She Needs

So, those were examples of men in her life. As you can see, one or more of her needs are not being met in each example. But imagine if she could meet a man who easily met all of her needs. A man who made her feel appreciated. A man who evoked a deep powerful emotional connection with her. A man who makes her feel feminine and womanly and sexy. A man who gives her hot passionate sex. Now that would be awesome.

That is the Masterful Lover. He is strong yet gentle. Honest yet tactful. Masculine yet emotional. Decisive yet flexible. Goal oriented yet spontaneous. Driven yet giving. Dominant yet thoughtful. And gives her wild screaming orgasms.

So it's not really the woman that is confused about what they want, but finding a man that can supply all the above is the trick:)

Friday, September 14, 2007 at 7:53:00 AM CST  

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