Monday, January 28, 2008

Question of the Week?

If, as a Christian, you are a believer, why do you ever worry?

I sat in church this Sunday contemplating purpose, life journey, how negative action effects the bestowing of blessings, free will, transformation thru death, generational curses, following man (preachers), walking in God's will, personal vs. divine will, premonitions vs. dreams, Demons vs. Angels, eternity in Heaven vs. Hell-----I have yet to reach any sound answers; the more questions posed bring about more questions. However, I did have time to ask the aforementioned question, if you have an answer, I'd love to read it. blessed...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. I have doubts some times.

2. There is a fear in giving up all control.

3. I get caught up in the illusion of the world some times.

Peace, Light and Love to you and yours . . . . CordieB.

Thursday, February 28, 2008 at 2:45:00 PM CST  

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