Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Obsessed Love

He is unable to stop, consumed with HER,
not on a superficial level, on one which rivals the Heavens,
leaving him as uneven as breast hanging like slaves,
emotions dangling, falling from his heart like tears of a clown,
the feeling of being unnoticed abounds,
down toward Hell depths,
down on crystal stair steps,
down where Jesus wept,
a painful journey,
hunger for certainty,
which lacks like racial harmony, equity,
voluntarily oppressive like hegemony,
in pursuit of a beautiful love,
like those who self-mutilate,
who self-hate,
looking for an all encompassing escape attached to HER,
leaving him lingering, hanging on like the vestiges of segregation,
leaving him patient until she says, "no",
until she say, "leave me alone",
until he stands above, watching her fall fall like snow below,
disappearing like blown breath from aching mouths,
looking for a way out similar to HIM before finding an object of HIS desire...


Blogger Angel said...

"...which lacks like racial harmony, equity,
voluntarily oppressive like hegemony..."

EXTREMELY impressive use of academic vernacular. i LOVE it! :-)

Wednesday, December 5, 2007 at 10:24:00 PM CST  

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