Friday, July 28, 2006

100 Words "4" Self {One}

Mistress Account

He is all he need be,
accept my husband,
loving are his words of encouragement,
gentle is his overpowering touch,
fingertips create cocaine like rush
leaving me high when he arrives,
in with drawl upon his departure,
when I call he rarely answers,
I know his family “needs” him more,
but not much,
he clutches my butt while kissing,
seems like he’s desperate to say
“I love you,” without telling,
his gaze elevates my esteem
toward stratospheric heights,
undressing visually,
undressing physically,
our interactions equate to ecstasy
until his wife request he journey home
leaving me alone until he returns…


Blogger Lyrically speaking said...

Wow, at least she knows he can never leave his family for her, great piece

Friday, July 28, 2006 at 12:33:00 PM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow!! What inspired you to write these two pieces? I think its amazing that you could write from a woman's point of view and capture the true essence of what a woman would feel in those situations. You're truly gifted!

Saturday, July 29, 2006 at 9:21:00 AM CST  
Blogger MagicalSis said...

Yeah I agree...writing from a woman's perspective means you know how to put yourself outside of yourself into her mind.
I bet you're really good at sex even though you do not have a P***y.

Excellent posts...both of these.

Saturday, July 29, 2006 at 4:03:00 PM CST  
Blogger Xave said...

What can I possibly say after these three esteemed ladies have put it so eloquently? Great piece.

Saturday, July 29, 2006 at 8:13:00 PM CST  
Blogger Intelfetish said...

I've been the Mistress, just caught up in an overwhelming love, so powerful. Still can't figure out for the life of me how he had the energy for the two of us...

Sunday, July 30, 2006 at 2:17:00 PM CST  
Blogger Sangindiva said...

I was the mistress once before...
so hard to let it go,
knowing mine he will never be-
the undying love is not reserved for me
the lies, my cries, the whimpers & sobs,
the lonely nights and fights w/ wife
became more than a job...

Great post.

Sunday, July 30, 2006 at 2:58:00 PM CST  
Blogger Angel said...

*nodding head silently with tears in eyes*

co-sign with sangin' diva!

Wednesday, August 2, 2006 at 12:02:00 AM CST  

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