Monday, August 07, 2006

100 Words "4" Self {Three - Version B}

Son's Account

Clock in,
Clock out,

My Dad works too often,
he’s obsessed with solving the age old problem of
do we have enough?
in trying to provide life and liberty
he’s lost the concept of happiness
this due to his digressed superficial pursuits and
job related, time investments returning nothing
his reduction is to a pile of aching bones and muscles torn,
giving me a mother, wife scorned with angry emotions born
out of his desire to supplant the Joneses
leaving a mess to clean in his absence,
his practice is absorbing my youth,
nine year old man of the house,
nine year old best friend of his spouse,
awaking to another early morning, come, gone,
leaving an empty home,
devoid of masculine influence
no scent of his cologne lingering,
just the smell of unwashed work clothes,
how about I propose to get a job,

I miss my Daddy…

Clock in,
Clock out,

Spoiling me rotten don’t replace moments forgotten, missed,
gifts from work related trips don’t
cover me up at night when its cold,
don’t hold me when I’m afraid,
don’t play catch,
don’t band-aid the scratch I got climbing the tree for the first time,
he missed it, mommy didn’t
when he insists he must go I wish he’d stay,
wish he’d read to me a little longer,
wish I’d lift weights too,
make us both stronger, I hunger for his perpetual guidance,
wish I’d gain his attention more than once,
wish I could let him know finance don’t make the world turn,
wish I’d place time in suspension, make it just for us,
wish he’d trust God to make a way out of none,
wish he’d love his son enough to labor half as much,
wish he’d whip me less with his tongue, more with the belt,
wish he had the minutes to hear, listen to how I felt,
wish he was the man of his dreams, the one he wants to be,
wish he was me in order for him to see how hard it is to live with a
overworked daddy

Please clock in, clock out forever…


Blogger Lyrically speaking said...

I can only know how it feels from a woman's point of view but i'm sure your emotions are as intense as us grown women who grew up fatherless. Even if he was around it's as if he wasn't. Your post is very moving.

no scent of his cologne lingering,
just the smell of unwashed work clothes...


Tuesday, August 8, 2006 at 11:52:00 AM CST  
Blogger MagicalSis said...

This was moving and sad to me.

Makes me think of how I was not prepared by my parents to be there for my kids as I should have.
Very well written, as from experience.
If not, then you have great insight.
Sounds like this character may wrestle with abandonment issues down the line.

I should know.

Tuesday, August 8, 2006 at 8:33:00 PM CST  
Blogger Daily Piglet said...

Very well done, I struggle to make sure my husband doesn't miss out on too much. My Dad worked a lot, mainly so he could put food on the table.

That was his expression of love to us and I love him for that.

Tuesday, August 8, 2006 at 10:54:00 PM CST  
Blogger Unknown said...

i'm sure the person this piece is about has a very strong soul.... the things we go through as children are sometimes very tough...... it has always been said that a bird teaches its young to fly, but what if the adult bird had never been taught to fly itself?

Tuesday, August 8, 2006 at 11:14:00 PM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow....I am so impressed with you right now. This poem is so deep, an awesome expression of thought and feelings. I would love to share this with my boss because this is him! He's an overworked dad and husband. You never know how things like working too much can affect your family. Thank you so much for sharing this. This is so beautiful!

Wednesday, August 9, 2006 at 10:14:00 AM CST  
Blogger Xave said...

I read this and get angry... so angry... Not at my father, but at the man staring back at me from the mirror. I'm not a little boy anymore, I'm a father.

Sunday, August 13, 2006 at 7:31:00 PM CST  

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