Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Like the Breeze

Why do I feel like you come and go,
in, out of my life like the tides when the moon is full,
then half, then gone?

Stop leaving me alone, even if it is for a mere moment...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok...I'll stop!! LOL. (j/k)

This is nice! I like it ALOT! =)

It shows your vulnerable/emotional side. It seems like men don't like to show vulnerability, but I find vulnerability attractive.

Thursday, January 18, 2007 at 12:37:00 AM CST  
Blogger Angel said...

why do i hear "summer breeze, makes me feel fine, blowing through the jasmine in my mind????"

Thursday, January 18, 2007 at 1:31:00 AM CST  

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